epilogue | love

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I pull my sandals off and hold them in my hand as I step onto the sand. The wind whips my face, blowing my hair rapidly behind me.

In the distance, a crowd forms behind a small barrier, separating the viewers from the volunteers.

I use my hand to shield the sun-despite having sunglasses on. I lean onto my toes, searching for the only person I'm here for.

The crowd grows louder, watching the baby turtles safely return to sea. But I could care less about the turtles, I'm only here for my James Dean.

"Lookin' for someone special?"

I yelp and flinch in a quick feared response to the man behind me. I turn and swat his thigh with my shoe. "How many times have I told you not to do that?"

Lucas laughs, throwing his head back. He wraps his arms around my waist, hugging me from behind. "It's too funny not to." He presses a quick kiss on my cheek. "Where'd you go?"

"Had to run to the bathroom," I explain.

"Ah. Did you see 'em?"

"Sure did. Although, I couldn't find you."

"You weren't looking very hard then."

I giggle. "I was distracted."

Lucas moves to my side and throws his arm over my shoulders. "Let's go watch the last of 'em." He points to an empty spot on the right.

When we get to the railing, Lucas moves behind me again. "Isn't it beautiful?" He asks, nodding to the orange sky.

"It is." I say looking back at him, but I'm surprised to find him already looking at me.

He smiles. "Did you bring the Polaroid?"

"Do you ever let me leave without it?" I ask, cocking my eyebrow.

He reaches into my backpack and pulls out the camera. He then proceeds to ask the stranger beside us to snap a picture-which they do.

Then he pulls a Sharpie out of his pocket and writes something on it while we wait for it to develop.

I reach for it but he pulls it out of my reach. "Ah, ah, ahh." He tsks. "Come on, Ri. You know the drill, sweetheart."

"Please." I push out my bottom lip. "Just this once?"

He studies my expression before sighing. He hands me the Polaroid picture and I grin. Reaching up on my toes, I press a kiss to his cheek before looking down at his words. My Sweet Angel. I grin even wider and look back up at him.

He brings my hand up and slides the moon ring off my right hand and examines it for a moment. "What does this green mean again?"

I scrunch up my nose. "Romance or love."

He smiles to himself, running the pad of his finger over the stone. "These always fascinated me." He glances at me, then looks back down at the ring. "Does it work?"

I smile. "Yeah. I think it's pretty accurate."

"Aw, you love me?" He asks with a crooked grin and a sarcastic tone.

I pinch my fingers together. "Maybe just a little bit."

He takes my left hand and slides the ring on my second-to-last finger. Then he drops my hand and leans against the wood railing.

I stare down at my hand in confusion, but his next words answer everything.

"Marry me."

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