eleven | angels

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I wait half an hour before returning back downstairs to see if Riley is asleep or not.

When I round the staircase, my suspicions are true.

I squat down in front of the couch and pack up her books and laptop before slinging the messenger bag onto my shoulder.

I carefully pick Riley up fireman style and stand up to my full height. Much to my dismay, Riley stirs awake. "What are you doing?" She whispers.

"Takin' you home."

Thankfully, she doesn't argue.

After making sure she's settled into my truck, I run back inside to grab her crutches.

Several minutes of driving pass before Riley breaks the silence. "Are you mad at me?"

"For what?"

"For what I did before Christmas break."

I stare out at the road, waiting several seconds before responding. "No."

"You seem mad."

"I'm not mad at you."

"Then who are you mad at?" She asks quietly.

"Myself." It's half the truth.


"Because I like you, Riley. And there's nothing I can do to change that." I glance over at her just as we go past a street light.

"You like me?"



I laugh, annoyed. "Of course, you'd ask that."

"Am I not allowed to?"

"Why does it matter why I like you? Why do I need a reason?" I place my hand on the gear shift as we near Halston House, Riley's dormitory building.

"Everybody has a reason."

"Just one?" I peer over at her again.

"No. Usually multiple. But there's usually one main factor. The reason you're drawn to a person."

The way she talks, makes me think she's a goddamn author.

"Your smile," I answer.

"My smile?"

"It's big." I clarify. "Bright," I add. "Contagious." I'm smiling just thinking about it. "And so fucking beautiful."

It doesn't take rocket science to know she's blushing.

"I like your eyes." She mumbles.

Everybody likes my eyes. I expected her to say that. But the way she says it makes me feel different than when other people say it.

Maybe she actually likes them. Maybe she has a liking for them that goes beyond the fascinating surface that comes with having two different colored eyes.

"I just kinda wanna stare at 'em all the time." Out of the corner of my eye, I see her slide her hands under her thighs. "I think they're cool."

Chuckling, I echo the word. "Cool." I pull into the parking lot and hit the ignition.

I round the truck just as Riley goes to slide down. Placing my hands on her hips, I ease her down slowly so she doesn't slip and injure herself further.

"You sleep with the brace off or on?"


I nod and grab her bag from the back seat. "You okay?"

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