Chapter 12: That's a Wrap

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Jenna's POV

"Cut! AND THAT'S A WRAP ON SEASON ONE, EVERYBODY!" Tim's voice echos through the soundstage as we finish our last scene and everyone erupts into claps and cheers. Catherine, my on-screen mother, engulfs me into a tight hug and I feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders, and tears forming, at the thought of being done filming. Press and promo were both going to be a whole other mountain, and I had Scream 6 to film pretty much right after this, but I tried to remain in the present and take in the bittersweet joy of the moment.

"You're amazing, sweetheart. I've loved every minute of working with you." Catherine tells me kindly as we detach from our embrace. Her nurturing nature was no different than what was portrayed on screen and I always found comfort in her.

"Thank you, mom. It's been my honor, seriously." I smile at her and feel my eyes sting with grateful tears.

"Remember, the wrap party is back here at 7 pm! Every single one of you is welcome, because every single one of you contributed to the greatness that is Wednesday. See you then!" Tim yells one more time at no one in particular before approaching me. We beam at each other, a silent indicator of our positive relationship.

"Jenna, I'm speechless. I could not be more confident in my choice for you as Wednesday." His words warm my heart as he takes me into a hug. "Thank you for all your hard work. I will see you for a season two, I'm sure of it." He says as he detaches.

"Working with you has been a legit dream come true, Tim. You are everything I'd hoped you'd be and more." I respond authentically and he gives my shoulders a light squeeze before saying he'll see me tonight. I was excited for the wrap party but a part of me was incredibly anxious to see Y/n. We hadn't spoken since that moment in my trailer a few days ago and although it was killing me, I just didn't know what to say. I have a lot of feelings I haven't exactly come to terms with yet and right when I was building up the momentum to express them, we were very rudely interrupted. Now I felt like I was back at square one and I hated it. It's like I know I have feelings for her, feelings beyond "friendly", but it's territory I've never navigated before so I don't know how to go about things the right way. That frustrated me beyond belief because I hate when I'm not good at something, especially when it came to someone I care deeply about. I'm just scared to mess things up with her but I feel like I already have. I just want to handle the situation with care, especially after learning what she's been through, but it's turned me into a coward which isn't fair to her at all. All I know is the thought of anyone harming her sparked something alarmingly sinister within me, and that acted as a confirmation that my feelings for her were deeper than I was recognizing.

For now, I try not to dwell on the overwhelming thoughts swirling in my head and instead engage in the countless exchange of more hugs, thank you's, and congratulations before eventually heading to my trailer. It was already 6 so I was planning on changing and getting ready here. I take a moment of reflection while I'm in the shower and process my life for a second - I just finished filming a show that's slated for major success, I got to work with a dream of a cast, I've met some of my best friends, I get to go back home to my family soon, I have another movie to film, and I met someone that I... like. Like- like, like. Breaking down all the good moments of the past year of my life made me smile and I carried my head a little higher as I finished getting ready. Suddenly I hear a knock on the door and with the slight hope/fear that it might be Y/n, I apprehensively tell whoever it is to come in.

"Hi bestie! Happy wrap night!" Emma and the girls tumble into my trailer and although it's not who I'd hoped, I'm very happy to see them. When I look at all of them in the mirror, I notice Joy holding a bottle of Jameson with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Happy wrap night, you guys. I love you all so so much." I smile at them as I turn around in my makeup chair to face them. I felt myself getting a little emotional again as the reality continued to settle that we were really done and I probably wouldn't see them for a while.

"Getting sentimental already? You're not even drunk yet." Joy teases as she practically shoves the bottle in my face. The last time I drank still haunts me but due to my nerves, I welcomed the liquid courage.

"Where did you even get this?" I laugh as I take the bottle and take a small swig, my face contorting as it burned down my throat.

"I had it delivered. I heard there's only gonna be champagne at the party and I hate champage, so I took it upon myself to treat myself and my girls." Naomi responds proudly as she motions for me to give her the bottle, which I do after taking one more swig.

"Woah. Someone's down to party." I hear Johnna say with a smile. If I was going to face Y/n soon, I needed to loosen up. Not to mention there was a lot of damn hard work to celebrate tonight, so in a sense, I kinda was down to party... but I will sure as fuck not be going overboard like last time. Being a lightweight, I already felt some slight effects of the dark liquid running its course.

"We worked our asses off for this show, especially Jenna with her fuckload of lessons. Let the girl drink!" I hear Emma state excitedly before she comes to give me a hug. The girls weren't in the last scene we filmed so this is my first time seeing them since Tim officially called wrap.

"I'm so happy I met you, J. I've never had this much fun filming and I just love you so much." She says quietly in my ear as we hug tightly. I have to blink my tears back at her words.

"You're my best friend, Emma. Thank you for being you." I mean my words wholeheartedly as I squeeze her back.

"Okay, should we leave, or...?" Joy totally ruins the moment but it makes everyone burst into hearty laughter. Emma and I share a meaningful glance as we release from our hug and she squeezes my shoulders before turning to grab the bottle that was now in Johnna's possession.

"One last swig before we go!" She exclaims and we all agree. The shot I take feels smoother this time, a telltale sign that I'm buzzing, and I decide to cut myself off then and there. I wanted to be loose in Y/n's presence, not belligerent. We all do some final touch-ups on our makeup in the mirror before making our way to the soundstage for a night of celebrating our milestones. Instead of being anxious to see Y/n I now felt eager to tell her how I feel, and eager to celebrate, thanks to my friend Jameson. I took a deep breath as we entered the soundstage and prepared for the night, hoping I didn't fuck anything up more than I already have.

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