Chapter 10: It's My Party & I'll Cry If I Want To

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TW: Very brief mention of SA

Your POV

Cake and wine were proving to be a pretty fun combo. Conversations were flowing easily between everyone, aside from the occasional fangirl outburst from Lily, and seeing everyone together made my heart full. I finally had to tell Troy about my friendship with some of the cast because he kept calling me out for my dodgy behavior, and naturally eventually Gio and Lily found out too since we were all pretty close. Just like Jenna, they insisted on this belated birthday celebration thing too, (even though we all went to the movies for my actual birthday), and although I was reluctant to agree at first, I'm really happy we went through with it. I definitely wasn't expecting any gifts, especially not the expensive perfume Jenna got me, but I was feeling extremely grateful. It baffled me that Jenna got me the gift that she did. Not because I didn't think she could afford it, I know she can, but because she was willing to spend that much on me over something I mentioned once. It said a lot about her and even though I had a hard time accepting it, I deeply appreciated it.

"So do you guys think the show is gonna like, blow up?" Gio asked from across from me. We were all sitting at my kitchen table, slowly sipping on glasses of wine and engaging in many topics of conversation. I honestly didn't expect people to stay over this long, but I was enjoying the company and it was still early-ish in the night since we had all finished work in the early evening.

"Of course it is. Do you SEE the acting? The plot? The costumes? TIM BURTON!?" Lily exclaimed, excited as ever, and I had to laugh. I didn't want to dim her light by telling her to calm down since, well, it was pretty exciting. Jenna's laughter coming from the right of me makes my heart flutter as I take a sip of my wine.

"I hope it's successful, of course. But I also feel like it's gonna be this niche little gem, which would be cool too." She responds and there's a gleam in her eye that she tended to get whenever she talked about any of her projects. You could tell she was truly made for this and it was enchanting to watch.

"You do love your niche little gems." Emma teases Jenna in response and I'm about to chime in when I hear Troy yawn, quite obnoxiously, on the other side of me.

"I just hope my face is in it, even like, once. But I'm beat from all the labor I endured in the kitchen so I'm gonna head out. Gio, Lil, you coming with?" Gio nods in response and Lily protests but eventually follows suit. Troy gives me a kiss on the head before collecting the three of their wine glasses and putting them in the dishwasher, joining the ungodly amount of kitchenware he used to bake a single cake.

"It was great to finally meet you two. Thank you for forcing this girl the celebrate herself. See you on set, and goodnight." Troy does a bow as he opens the door for Gio and Lily, who also say their goodbyes. His silly gesture makes the remaining three of us chuckle as he closes the door.

"Are you ready to go too?" Emma directs toward Jenna while she goes to put her glass in the dishwasher as well. Clearly the night was dwindling to an end and although I was getting a little tired, I didn't want them to go.

"Um. Yeah, I guess." She responds quietly and her tone told me she didn't actually want to leave, which made my stomach swirl a bit.

"Or... I can go, and you can stay? If it's okay with Y/n, of course." Emma suggests after a moment of silence and I feel my heart rate kick up. I appreciated the alley-oop by Emma but it also made me nervous to be alone with Jenna for an extended period of time, especially being sober this time. Jenna turns to me with those doe eyes, silently asking me permission.

"Oh- yeah, of course you can stay. But I also don't want you going home alone, Emma." Emma explains how the drivers are "built like tree trunks" and wouldn't let anything happen to her. She also explains how her ride was already waiting for her since she was ready to go 30 minutes ago but "didn't want to be rude". Before we know it she blows us a kiss and she's out the door and I can't help but chuckle at all the similarities between her and Enid that sometimes shone through.

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