Part 13. The Fickle Kiss

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Instead of overthinking the interaction, I join back in with the conversation regarding someone's shitty boyfriend and give another reason why my friend should leave him.

Although we know she'll end up going back to his dorm after another 2 cocktails.

I put the cool glass against my lips and finish my last sip of beer. It didn't last me long.

Suddenly, I feel an arm around my shoulder, a boy I used to train with at the boxing club pushes a beer bottle into my hand and I'm more than happy to accept it.

An hour passes and I end up in the smoking area, though I'm not a smoker I don't pass up on the occasional social smoke.

Someone offers me a cigarette and I oblige. The first inhale burns my throat.

Ronnie appears next to me and takes the cigarette from between my lips. She has 2 drags before placing it back in my mouth.

"Sure does look like 'just friends' to me." Cheryl's voice is loud, clear and sarcastic as ever, to be heard by everyone in the smoking area.

Veronica exhales in Cheryl's direction and I've never seen such a stern look come over the irate red haired girl.

Cheryl is slightly intoxicated, her eyes aren't so alert and her feet aren't so steady.

"Why don't you introduce me to your friend?" The boy from boxing, who had bought me a beer, now appears to be extraordinarily inebriated and stands dangerously close to Cheryl.

"Funnily enough I'm not interested in being introduced to a greasy, drunken mess." Cheryl takes a step back from him.

Every person in this bar has looked Cheryl up and down, everyone is interested in her. She's the best looking, most striking, most desirable woman I've ever come across. And I hate that everybody here would agree.

The boy steps away and becomes distracted with a group of younger girls that decide to give him the time of day.

As I turn to speak to Cheryl a dark haired girl materialises in the space between us.

"Oh my god, so I watched your fight and I can't believe how much blood there was. I didn't know if it was like, fake blood, but then you didn't wake up and the ambulance came." She's pretty, with green eyes and freckles but the way she speaks is almost painful to listen to.

The lack of intellect must not have stopped her from getting into a good university, and I'm sure it won't stop her from getting what she wants, or who she wants in life, but I certainly don't have the patience for it tonight.

"Indeed it was real blood. Real stitches in my face, and a real hospital stay, and real boxing." I smile with the friendliest face I can manage to fake.

"That's crazy. Maybe I could get your number and you could show me some moves?" The girl smiles and plays with her hair.

I'm flattered, but nothing compares to the feeling of having Cheryl's big brown eyes looking right at me, or feeling her brush her hand against my hand, or her soft lips kissing mine.

"I must have missed the sign that said 'single, hot boxer looking for girls to throw themselves at me'. Although if there actually was a sign I'm not totally convinced you'd be able to read it."
Cheryl continues to stand in the same place, not moving a muscle, except from her mouth to smile a satisfied grin.

The brown haired girl turns around, open mouthed and in shock, she faces Cheryl. I wonder how many working days it would take for her to think of a response to Cheryl's insult.

"Toodles!" Cheryl waves her fingers at the girl, whose cheeks become red before she walks away and enters back into the bar.

"Well that was rather mean. But you did call me hot." I stand up straight and can't quite remove the smirk from my mouth.

"Must have been an accident." Cheryl finishes her drink and places it down on the table nearest to her.

"Don't be so fickle, Blossom. I've never known someone to act so inconsistent with me." I'm fed up of her blowing hot and cold, one minute she hates me then she scares a girl off from hitting on me.

Cheryl rolls her eyes at me, she looks around for a moment and then takes my right hand into hers. I follow her as she leads me around the corner of the outside area of the bar.

"If you're going to kill me, at least don't do it where 20 college kids will be throwing up later?" We come to the back entrance that only staff use, no one is around currently.

"I'm not fickle, I'm just trying to protect myself." Cheryl places her hands on my chest.

My back finds itself against the wall and I feel Cheryl's fingers moving up my chest slowly, they brush upwards along my neck, sending a shiver down my spine. Cheryl holds the back of my neck with one hand and brings the other to my cheek.

She moves in closer to my body, her hard stomach now leaning against my core. Her fingers brush gently just below my stitched up cheek bone wound, I release a breath that I didn't even realise I had been holding.

My hands wrap themselves around her tiny waist and I pull her in closer to me, closing any gaps we had between our bodies. All I can do is watch Cheryl's mouth. Her lips are so inviting. She turns her head a few degrees and slowly pushes her warm mouth against mine.

Cheryl kisses me slowly, she runs her tongue against my lips, into my mouth, and along my tongue. Her fingers that had brushed along my cheek make their way down my face, I feel her thumb slide over my bottom lip while she continues to kiss me.

I open my mouth wider to allow her thumb inside. Cheryl pauses our kiss and opens her hungry, now almost black, eyes to watch me suck her thumb that has slipped into my mouth and rubs along my tongue. Cheryl is open mouthed and enjoying watching just inches from my face.

She slowly pulls her thumb out and runs it down my chin, neck, chest, stomach, stopping at my lower stomach. Cheryl kisses me again. Faster. Deeper. Desperate hands grabbing and almost-moans escaping mouths.

"We're going back to yours.. now." Cheryl groans into my mouth as she clings onto the waist of my trousers, I grunt in agreement and we breathlessly pull away from each other.

Cheryl unlocks the staff only exit and takes my hand in hers. We leave without anyone in the bar seeing us.

I'm fully aware of the red lipstick that must be all over my mouth right now but it's the last thing my mind can even consider thinking about.

A very fast paced walk in silence for 5 minutes flies by. Sooner than expected, we arrive at my front door and I open it.

As she locks the door behind us, Cheryl grabs the collar of my shirt, pulling me towards her aggressively.

"I want you to fuck me harder than you've fucked anyone before. I don't want you to stop until I'm fucking shaking and screaming." Cheryl whispers her instructions clearly into my ear, it forces my eyes to shut in ecstasy.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say that, Blossom."

The Boxer And The Blossom (GxG Cheryl Blossom)Where stories live. Discover now