Part 3. The Brawl

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The next two days we hardly see each other.

I have nonstop classes and gym sessions. Cheryl has some classes, she takes bio medical science, but in her spare time, I have no clue what she gets up to. We see each other when we go to sleep and that is all.

It's finally Friday night though. Cheryl comes in as I'm getting ready and spraying myself with the best smelling Jo Malone cologne I own, she throws herself down on the bed and drops her head into her hands.

"What's up?" I tentatively ask, she usually acts like such a heartless bitch I'm not sure if this is some kind of joke.

"Life. I need to get drunk." Cheryl checks her phone before throwing it on charge next to mine.

She takes a quick shower and spends 20 minutes in the bathroom getting ready. When she comes out she wears a black lacy top, it's completely transparent and underneath she wears a small red bra. With a black leather skirt and tights, Cheryl does look incredible.

"Ready to go?" I ask while lacing my trainers.

"Well how do I look?" She asks me back, while looking at herself in the mirror.

"Like my platonic friend. I need a drink, come on." I grab my keys and we walk outside together.

When we arrive at the bar I head straight to Ronnie who I've not seen since the fight night, we catch up and do some shots together.
I lose sight of Cheryl for over an hour, I saw some of her friends walk past so I presume she's with them.

"So you're telling me she's been in your bed the past few nights and nothings happened? That's just not true." Ronnie places her straw between her teeth and smiles before drinking her vodka soda. I shake my head and tell Veronica exactly how unexciting it really is.

"So you could bring anyone back to yours, and Cheryl wouldn't care?" Ronnie questions.

"She wouldn't care, she doesn't like me like that. She doesn't even like girls I swear." I shrug and look around to make sure she's no where within hearing distance to my conversation.

"Maybe you should take someone back, just to see what she says." Ronnie's cheeks become slightly pink, I'll presume it's from the alcohol.

I make my way to the bathroom. On my way through the hallway to get to the stairs I find Cheryl, she's against the wall and a 6ft something man stands above her, one hand on the wall above her head and one hand that looks like it must be on her arse.

I feel a pang of anger inside my chest but swallow it down. I tap him on the shoulder and he sloppily turns around.

"Fuck off." He slurs in my direction. As he moves I see Cheryl's face, her eyes are barely open and she looks completely gone.

That pang of anger inside my chest is now a full rage against men who don't give a shit about respecting women or consent.

"Go fuck yourself I'm taking her home." I push him out of the way and step towards Cheryl.

He raises his arm to try and keep me away from her but he stumbles, his elbow strikes my brow and knocks my head back into the wall behind me.

At this exact moment a member of security comes down the stairs and watches the drunken damage occur. Security grabs the man and escorts him out.

I slip my arm around Cheryl and prop her up over my shoulder. As we walk out into the bar Ronnie makes her way over to me.

"You're bleeding, what the fuck is going on?" She dabs the blood that I can feel slightly dripping down my face.

"Some douchebag was trying to do fuck knows what with Cheryl so I'm taking her back home now. I'm fine it's just a graze." I tell Ronnie and she helps me get Cheryl to the door.

Back in the dorm I clean myself up a bit and I attempt to take off Cheryl's make up, she's almost completely passed out.

I sit upright on my bed and position Cheryl on her side in case she's sick, her head resting on my thigh.

Something wakes me up suddenly in the morning, someone going for a run past my window by the sounds of it. I look down and Cheryl is still laying on my thigh, my hand placed on the side of her torso.

"Why the fuck am I between your legs?" I hear from Cheryl who instantly bolts up.

"Why don't I remember anything? What am I wearing? Oh my god." Cheryl looks down her own t shirt, I left her underwear on but had helped her out of her top, skirt and tights.

"I have no idea what happened, I didn't see you in the bar for like 2 hours then I found some guy up against you in the hallway and you were a mess you couldn't keep your eyes open. I don't know what he was going to do but it wasn't good. I got you home. I didn't want you to throw up so I put you on your side and if you were on me then I'd be woken up if you needed me." I explain as Cheryl sits on the side of the bed, one hand against her head which is presumably in pain.

"What's with your eye?" Her voice sounds softer, no longer accusatory.

"That prick ended up hitting me with his elbow, he got kicked out. I'm fine." I shake my head as if to say forget about that part. It's the least important part.

Cheryl gets up without saying anything and goes to the bathroom, she comes back out with some kind of potion in a bottle.
My arms are folded as I sit up straight against my headboard. Cheryl hops onto my lap. I'm surprised. I couldn't have been more surprised. I suppose my face says that.

She takes some cotton and dabs my eye with her strong smelling ointment. It stings and, instinctively, my hands unfold and land on her bare thighs which are balanced on my lap. Her thighs are warm and soft, I don't move my hands away.

"Thank you for looking after me." Cheryl says so quietly it's almost a whisper. She backs away from seeing to my cut.

"I'm just glad I got there when I did. You shouldn't drink that much, it's dangerous." I don't know why I say that, as if I'm so much more mature and I never take it too far.

Cheryl's eyes are hazel, they're so big and bold I haven't looked at them so closely before right now.

"Don't tell me what to do." Cheryl whispers back, not breaking eye contact at all.

My hands move up her thighs, so slowly. I watch as her pupils get bigger, and bigger.
Her eyes finally drop to my lips. Suddenly she places her hands on top of mine, stopping me in my tracks. Cheryl hops off my lap. She walks to the bathroom and runs the shower.

By the time she's out of the shower I must have fallen back to sleep because when I wake up again at midday, she's gone.

The Boxer And The Blossom (GxG Cheryl Blossom)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora