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I'm happy to be back ♡⸜(˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ )⸝

i apologize for taking such a break, and for the flaws in this book that include: lack of inclusivity, wonky writing, not being able to fit in all of your favourite characters D: !!!!

this is my second book i ever write so i'm still a big amateur. it makes me happy that you guys still like this book despite the big flaws and sticking with me!!!!!!! i hope when my writing gets better i will create a better remake that's better enjoyable for my audience.

last time I updated my book I had 59k reads and 2.9k votes. now it's 98.1k reads and 4.66k votes!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH?!!!!! THIS IS ACTUALLY INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!

happy reading ~~~~~

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after the failed match against kaiser, and basically losing my human rights, i took a long shower where i regretted every action that lead up to this. the warm water was enough to calm me down, but the effect was immediately gone the moment i stepped into the dressing room (after wearing my clothes in the bathroom) to see ness.

my mood immediately turned sour as i groaned, "what do you want?" ness hasn't done anything directly to me, but my negative brain immediately assumed that kaiser sent him after me or something. silence took over us for a moment, where we had a short staring competition. i broke the eyecontact first, feeling a bit awkward. which is when i noticed that we were alone in the dressing room. we were also standing at the cameras blind spot.

he exhaled, making me turn my attention back to him. my eyes widened when i saw him step closer, with raised arms before trapping me against the wall. my back hit the wall, making me wince before turning to him fully.

"what do you think you're doing..." he muttered as he lowered his head closer to me. his hair was over his eyes, making it hard to see his expression.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "what the hell are you talking about?! you're the one who-"

"shut up! what do you think you're doing with kaiser?!" he yelled this time, staring right into my eyes with rage.

I tilted my head in confusion, shivering a little in intimidation at his gaze. "..I haven't done-"

he interrupted me again, this time not yelling as hard as before, "you think you can just waltz over and suddenly become his midfielder?!? I'm the one who's stuck with him all this time! the only passes he should receive is from ME!"

I gulped, the previous confidence I had shrunk away. this taller, more muscular dude is trapping me against the wall and basically threatening me. hello.. 911?!

"stop interrupting me first of all! ...and what the hell? you think I asked for him to be obsessed with me!?" I yelled back in anger, but a less intimidating voice. I think its pretty obvious that Im kinda scared at this point. this is a complete switch from his usual smiley expression first of all. and I've never seen him this angry, not even if someone insulted kaiser.

he raised his head a little, and I was finally able to see his full expression without any of his hair being in the way. "I don't care! all I care about is that his attention is on you, and not me anymore. you better watch your back after this." ness finished.

he finally let go of me, and his hands fell by his sides before he started walking away. I stared at him for a moment in shock, before pushing myself away from the wall and holding his hand, successfully stopping him from walking away, "where do you think you're going? I don't have time for any more drama! you're gonna solve this shit with me right here and now!"

he turned to me, surprised, and I took the chance of him lowering his guard to push him against the wall and trap him between my arms.

now this sight is a little crazy, imagine a 180cm dude being kabe-don by a much shorter girl. did I mention that I wasn't wearing my wig? yeah. ness glanced down at me in shock, his cheeks painted pink. my face heated up when I realized what I did, having acted without thinking, but I didn't falter. "I don't even wanna become a midfielder you idiot! why do you think I made a bet to get you? Im interested in you, not that big shit-head who's fucking with me 24/7! if anything I want his ass 6 fucking feet under!!!!" I yelled loudly, making the taller boy put his hand over my mouth to silence me.

I looked up to see his red face, and his eyes immediately broke the eye contact. his hand slowly left my mouth as ness muttered, "t-the cameras are gonna hear..."

I shook my head, "I don't care, ness! I want you, not him, understand?!?!"

his face was incredibly red as his eyes shifted back to me, "do you... understand what you're saying???" he blushed, feeling flustered. people don't usually pay attention to him, it's always directed towards kaiser, since he's the ace. he never minded the lack of attention, as he admired kaiser as well, but he didn't mind the sudden change either. he felt acknowledged, and embarrassed from what you were saying most of all... "seriously do you think before you speak...?" he muttered in embarrassment as I huffed, "are you not taking me seriously?!"

"ah... now what's going on here?"

my mood immediately turned even more sour. I didn't even wanna turn around to face the dude.

ness's eyes widened, as he looked behind me to see kaiser watching us with an amused expression.

"I never expected you to be the type to get cornered by a puny little girl, ness." kaiser chuckled, making ness shift his eyes away in embarrassment.

I groaned, turning around, "I'm not a puny little girl, asshole!!! and what do you want?! we were having a moment here!"

kaiser sighed, walking closer to us, "you cannot be this oblivious, sweetcheeks. and the fact that you guys were in the cameras blind spot as well... how naughty. did I interrupt something?"

my face immediately heated up as I glanced back at ness who was equally flustered, if even more. kaiser laughed, seeing my embarrassed expression and pushed further, "I'm kind of jealous, love. and you didn't think of inviting me?"

"shut up! nothing happened!" I yelled but I immediately began cowering when I heard the noise of the door opening. I didn't have time to wear my wig yet.

kaiser and ness's attention shifted to the door as well, where we all saw some blue lock boys enter. I stepped back, accidentally knocking into ness who put his hands on top of my shoulders, keeping me in place.

"they can't see me like this.." I said, putting my hands on top of ness's who didn't budge. "ness! they'll see me!" I panicked, whisper yelling.


wee woo wee woo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sound of the ambulance)


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