Part - 16

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You - Jungkook!!! No ! ...

You yelled because Jackson was going to attack you but JK , he flipped positions and hugged you tightly covering you ...
Jackson stabbed a knife 🔪 in Jungkook's back . His eyes became red , you pulled back from the hug and looked at him . Jk fell down you sat near him and kept his head on your lap. Meanwhile Jackson tried to run away but met with the sudden entry of the cops .

You - J-Jungkook Keep you eyes open.... Ahhhh . .. n-nothing will happen .. *taps his cheeks*

Jk - *smiles weakly and closes his eyes*

You - Help !!! *Screams*

Your family members came surprising you more but you weren't bothered that much now . Taehyung also gave his presence and saw you sobbing hugging Jk asking for help .

Dad - Y/N WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE ? *Holds your arms* it's you engagement today .

You - *he pulls you up* *you struggled to let go of his grip* Dad leave me .. Jungkook is hurt !!!

Dad - YOUR GROOM ISN'T HIM ... You don't need to worry about him.

You - N-No dad ... I won't come .. he needs me .. Jungkook needs me-

Dad - Y/N !!! *You flinched as he was about to slap you but-*

Tae - *held your dad's hand and protects you as a sheild* No ... Don't you dare raise a hand of her ...Ik you're her dad but I'm sorry coz I won't endure if she gets a little hurt.

You - Ta..Tae...

Tae - Officers immediately call the ambulance.

Dad - Y/n believe me I'm doing it for you ... *He drags you out*


Your dad took you home , it has already been 6 hours and while Jungkook was shifted to his house just as his wound was not to deep thankfully. You were still impatient to see him . You were locked in the room.

*The door of your room opened*
*Taehyung comes in* *you were sitting hugging your knees*

You - Taehyung.. t..that Jungkook how's he ? Why did th.they take him home ? He should be in the hospital.

Tae - He's fine so we were allowed to take him home . Don't worry .

You - Taehyung I beg you please.. I want to see Jungkook .

Tae - Y/nahh stop it .. I'll take you to him but only if you stop crying and Begging.

Jeon's Mansion :-
Jungkook gained his consciousness . His mind was filled with your thoughts .

Lisa - Kookie stop th.. thinking so much and take rest .

Jimin - Lisa is right .. you saw what your anger caused you.. *Makes him sit on his back*

Lisa - I didn't knew what was between you and Y/n .. but Jungkook if you love her so much Why don't you make her yours?

Mr.Jeon - it's not that simple Lisa , there is something which is stopping my son to do it . He isn't selfish.

Both Jimin and Lisa were confused.

Jk - Dad and Hyung please leave me and Lisa alone .. please don't let anyone come in *Cold*


Taehyung and Y/n came hiding from everyone
You looked at Taehyung and he nodded .You came upstairs , while Mr.Jeon and Jimin just stood there with Tae in guilt.
Before you could get inside his room a maid stopped you.

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