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As the man walks closer to us our suspicions get confirmed.

"Hey Lisha, how are you doing?" He says handing me the bouquet of roses.

At this point I am staring at him with my. Mouth wide open.

And when I finally get the voice to speak

"You are..."

"Yes, I am Mikhail Ivanov..."

"The guy you slept with last night"

Claire steals a glance at me as I look at him dumbfounded with eyes wide open.

And before I can say another word, he takes my hand and bows down to kiss it gently...

"Nice to meet you"

My senses return back and I immediately remove my hand from his...

"What the fuck do you think you are doing? Where is my purse!? Give it back to me" I scream at him.

He returns my agressive gaze with an unfazed one.

"I think I forgot to bring it with me" he replies.

"What!??" I gasp.

"Do you want to come inside and go get it?" He smirks pointing behind at his car.

My face trembled in amazement and anger at this man's audacity...

And then grabbing the bouquet of roses he gave me, tightly in my hand, I slap him with it across the face.

Claire covers her mouth shut with both hands...

Red petals fall over us...

"Asshole!" I curse at him.

His face gets blown away from the impact.

But his sea green eyes managed to look back at me, my face burning with anger.

And to my surprise...

And he smiled at me.

"You look prettier when you are angry"

I couldn't find any words.

It was at that moment that I realised...

This guy is impossible.

And I hated his guts.

"Let's go Claire" I said.

"Go??? Where?" Claire who was still shocked manages to ask those two words.

"To the police" I replied in a dead serious voice.

Claire looks at him still standing there unbothered and then looks at me burning with anger.

She realises that it would be best to take me away.

"Okay, let's go" She says holding my hand.

We turned around and walked away without even looking back at him.


"Are you sure you don't want this?" He asks.

We turn around to find him holding my purse up in his hand.

"This motherfu...he had it all along??"

I rush towards him to get my purse.

"Give that back" I say trying to snatch it away from him.

He holds it higher up so that I can't reach it.

And I really can't do that even on heels.

He's really tall.

My One Night Stand With The Mafia BossWhere stories live. Discover now