3- The guy you slept with last night

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I got out of the taxi after Claire paid my fare. I had no cash on me, I had left my purse back at the hotel.

For a second I thought of contacting the hotel about it but realised that wouldn't be a great idea.

"He knows..." I murmured.

"What is it?" Claire asks.

"He knows me, Claire! He has my ID!!"

"Look calm down. What about your keys?  Do you have them?"

"No! I don't have anything on me! They were all inside my purse!" I start panicking.

"Shit..." Claire curses.

"What should I do now...he definitely knows me..."

Claire only responds with a sigh.

"Let's sit down somewhere for now..." She says.

We sit down at my apartment's doorstep.

"I feel so fucked...I don't know what the hell was wrong with me last night!?" I cover my head with my hands.

Claire pats my back and says, "I can understand...after finally getting out of your controlling family marriage must feel like a death sentence to you"

"It's a life imprisonment for me Claire! Giving up on my dreams, my life...and then marrying some stranger I don't know...hoe the fuck am I supposed to live like that??" I almost break down into tears.

"Hey...please calm down Lisha..." Claire says pitifully.

"Should I just kill myself?" I say.

Before Claire can even reply my phone starts ringing loudly.

It's from an unknown number.

I look at Claire and she gives me a nod signalling me to pick the call up.

I pick the call up and put the phone to my ears.


No answer.

"Hello??" I call out again.

No answer.

"Hello??? Who is this? Hello?"

There was a slight pause...

Before I heard the heavy voice of a man from the other side.

"Missed me sweetheart?"

And I instantly recognised that voice.

"Are you..."

"Yes...I am the man you slept with last night." He says

I gulp down a lump in my throat.

"Do you have my purse?"

Claire looks at me with eyes widened.

"Yup, that's where I got your number from. So Lisha right?" He asks.

Without replying to his question, I say "I'll be at the hotel in 30 minutes,please return my stuff."

"You are not gonna ask me my name?" He asks.

"I am not interested. Last night was a mistake so it would be better if you treat it as that" I reply coldly.

"Mistake? That's too bad cause I loved it." He laughs.

"Let's cut the bullshit. I am coming over in 30 minutes, so just submit my stuff at the reception and I'll pick them up"

"And what if I don't?" He smirks.


"What if I don't?" He repeats the same thing.

"Do you want me to call the police?"

He bursts into laughter.

"Do you find it funny?" He gets on my last fucking nerve.

"Yes, I do. It's been a long time since someone threatened me with the police..."

"Great. Return my stuff back unless you want to end up behind the bars" I threaten him.

He starts laughing even louder.

And there goes my last nerve.

"Listen over here dude, you better return my fucking stuff! I don't got enough time for your bullshit so please find someone else to play your games with!" I shout through the phone.

Hearing my enraged voice, he stops laughing.

"Fine I'll return your stuff but I have already checked out of the hotel...Tell me where do you live? I'll be right there" He says.

For a second I hesitate, but realising that there aren't many options, I decide that it would be best to let him know.

I tell my address to him and he notes it down.

"Cool, I'll be there" He says.

"Okay...Please make sure you have all my things." I say.

"Don't worry...I'll be right there" He assures.

"Okay." I hang up without saying anything else.

"What happened? Was it him??" Claire asks.

"Yes...He said he will be coming over to return my purse"

"What the hell?? you told him your address?"

"I didn't have any other choice!"

"Anyways...what's his name? Who is he?" Claire asks.

"I don't know... Didn't ask him."

"What!? Seriously what is wrong with you Lisha? You are usually not indecisive like this!!"

"I am just...I don't know...The marriage thing and then this. I admit it, I admit that I have made a mistake. But seriously I just want it to be that. I want it to be just a mistake. I don't want anything to do with that guy, and all I want is to forget it all!" I say.

"I understand...everyone makes mistakes. It will be fine Lisha, please don't worry" Claire holds my hand.

And just then...

A black Lamborghini pulls up at our doorstep.

We watch as a tall man with black hair walks out of the car with a bouquet of red roses.

As the man walks closer to us our suspicions get confirmed.

"Hey Lisha, how are you doing?" He says handing me the bouquet of roses.

At this point I am staring at him with my. Mouth wide open.

And when I finally get the voice to speak

"You are..."

"Yes, I am Mikhail Ivanov..."

"The guy you slept with last night"

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