78. Flavor Explosion (Alec)

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    "Mesdames et messieurs (Ladies and gentlemen)."

   The voice of the emcee (hostess) evokes an instant round of applause throughout the enormous hall. The staggering beauty, standing in front of the three bar stations with a microphone in her hand, is a popular French movie star. Her outrageously short, strapless black dress is as bold as her five inches, thin, strapped heels. She blows a kiss to the exalted audience and flips her wavy, blond hair over her shoulder. The simple gesture instantly provokes another storm of whistles and cheers. The lady is used to being admired. She just waves her hand dismissively to silence her fans and continues.

   "Bienvenue à la finale du plus grand concours de bartending et de mixologie au monde. La confection de cocktails est un véritable art. Non seulement les barmans choisissent les ingrédients, mais ils sont aussi spectaculaires car ils jonglent avec les bouteilles et créent une toute nouvelle expérience passionnante. (Welcome to the finals of the biggest bartending and mixology competition in the world. Cocktail making is a real art. Not only do the bartenders choose the ingredients, but they are also spectacular as they juggle the bottles and create a completely new, exciting experience.)"

   "Heyyy, what's up? Why are you so pale? Alec, honestly, you look as if you're going to faint at any moment." I barely catch Victor's voice, although he is literally yelling in my ear. The crowd is loud. Smooth jazz music is playing in the background. My heart is racing. I feel as if it is thumping directly on my eardrums. I am terribly nervous. Vic throws an arm over my shoulders and pushes a cold martini glass between my stiff fingers. "Relax, man! Come on. Sit down and take a sip. Ugh... Don't lick it like a cat. Drink! Aaah, that's better."

   The burning liquid slides down my throat. I almost choke but somehow manage to swallow the huge gulp of alcohol. Victor pats approvingly my back. I use the opportunity to grip his sleeve and whine, "What if Sam doesn't win?"

   "You're crazy," he snorts through laughter. "So what if he loses? Sam is one of the three final contenders. This is already a victory. The guy is a celebrity. Do you think he cares about the title or the money? Your man is here for the thrill. He wants to explore Paris with you and share this whole amazing experience with the person he loves. Besides, I can assure you he will fight tooth and nail to win. Have no doubt about it." 

   There is a full hour of introductions and explanation of the rules before the actual battle begins. I lean back in my chair and try to calm down. If I don't get a grip on myself, I'll pass out before my boyfriend finally comes on stage. Victor is right. Sam enjoys the show and is not the least bit worried about the outcome. That is how it should be, because he is the best. I just do not want something to go wrong. He deserves more than anyone to be number one.

   The 'Flavor Explosion' World Cocktail Championship runs for three weeks in October, each being a separate stage in the competition. The first two rounds were held in Paris, in several of the most popular nightclubs. 

   There were thirty contestants from eighteen countries in the beginning. Only nine remained after the 'Bar Magician' category for testing the flairing bartending skills. It was spectacular. I had no idea Sam could do those kinds of tricks. He was flipping the shakers, juggling three bottles at the same time, and even set a drink on fire. It was literally blazing as he was handing the glass to the judge. The flames went out a few seconds before the woman took a sip. 

   The second 'Sixth Sense' category was for the tasting abilities. The participants were blindfolded. They had to recognize the type and even the brand of the drink by only taking a sip. Sam nailed it. He was flawless, making a correct guess nine times out of ten. The others were nowhere near his score. He is now the undisputed favorite. Three world-famous liquor brands and a brewer already offered him a job.

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