68. The Prince and The Cavalier (Alec)

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   "Oh, Sam! You are so brave... and hot. I am crazy about your body," I moan, gripping the front of his snow white, silk shirt with both hands. One abrupt yank, and it is ripped open, revealing his muscular, tanned chest, covered in cut scars and frightening tattoos.

   He gasps and falls on one knee before me, bowing his head low. The sword slips from his hand and falls to the pavement with a loud clunk.

   "Forgive me, My Prince," he sobs. "I deserve to die for letting myself fall in love with you. A simple warrior is not worthy of your royal affection. Say one word only, and I will end my own life with a smile on my face."

    "Shut up, silly," I yell and kneel in front of him. The wind grabs my wide brim, cavalier hat, ruffling the fluffy white plum, and tosses it in the bickering, marble fountain nearby. My palms rest on his firm pecks. I squeeze, intoxicated by the feeling of his warm skin under my fingers and look into his deep, emerald eyes. "You are my personal guard, and this was the tenth time you saved my life. I command you to keep being devoted to me, even more than before, and present you with the title of Chevalier de Lorraine... and my lover."

   Our lips touch under the summer sky. My heart is racing. My dream has come true.

   "Wait!" I yelp as his fingers begin to untie deftly the laces of my pants. "What are you doing, my Lord? How dare you? You are forgetting yourself!"

   "What do you mean, Your Highness?" Sam peeks at me in surprise. "Now that I am a noble man myself and your official lover, I am obliged to start performing my duties immediately."

   "Excuse me, and what might that duties be?" I ask suspiciously.

  "To suck your royal cock, of course," he answers as a matter-of-factly and bends down taking the said body part in his mouth.

   "Sir, you are overstepping your... Oh, my God!... Sam, more... harder!... Yes! Yesss! Oh, Yeeesss..."


   My own scream makes my eyes open too quickly to be healthy. I look around startled. Where the hell am I? Not at home for sure. Fuuuck! My both heads hurt badly. The one situated on my dick is definitely worse. I shove my hand under the sheets and carefully touch my painful erection. A miserable groan escapes my dry, chapped lips. I've been in a series of unimaginable situations lately, but this one has to be the most ridiculous of them all. How much crazier can one's life get? What have I done to deserve this? Where are my clothes? Whose bed is this? Oh, maaan!

   "It's called 'morning wood' and I must say I'm quite impressed." 

   An amused chuckle, coming from somewhere nearby attracts my attention. I turn in its direction and blink a few times to clear my vision. Sam is leaning on the door's side jamb with a sly smirk and a cocked brow. I release the breath I've been holding. Thanks God! I'm with Sam, in his bed. Relief washes over me. Unfortunately, it doesn't help my terrible indisposition. My stomach proves it by an audible rumble.

   "Sam... Oh, God!... more... harder," he mimics my voice. "It was a nice dream, huh?"

   "Shut up!" I mutter and immediately cover my mouth, horrified by my nasty breath. "Sam, do you happen to know... Have I by accident eaten a whole skunk last night... marinated in vodka?"

   He laughs out and shakes his head. "Don't worry, Peppercorn. No animals were harmed during your remarkable performance, although, it's quite likely that you left the club without a drop of booze."

   "Mmm... did I... do anything else... Cough!... remarkable?" I fearfully ask, peeking under the sheets. "I mean... did we... you know... I have no clothes on and I don't remember a thing after... ugh... you unlocked the door."

   "Well," Sam laughs harder. "Let's just say that I barely managed to keep my chastity intact. You're a beast in bed, but only until you flake out."

   "Oh, my goddess!" I color up, mortified by the bits and pieces of memories flushing through my mind. If embarrassment has degrees, this should be the highest one.

   "And you really don't wanna know about your clothes. I assure you. They're in the washer," Sam adds just to prove me wrong. The shame definitely leveled up now. 

   "I'm so sorry, babe," I mumble remorsefully. "I will never ever drink again."

   "Oh, please," my boyfriend grins, heading towards me. "You were absolutely adorable the entire time and did nothing I haven't done either. Relax. All you need is a bubble bath, lots of  hydration and a nutritious breakfast and you'll be a new person."

   "Stay where you are," I squeak and raise my hand to stop him. "Don't come near me until I brush my teeth... ten times."

   "What about this," he points to the tent between my legs. "You might need a hand."

   "Out," I point to the door, glaring at him. "I'll see you in the kitchen."

   "Heyyy, I was just trying to help," he sneers. "Don't be mean. So, what were you dreaming about? Did we fuck?"

   "Out!" I repeat, but the smile is crawling on my face, despite the unpleasant headache and the disgraceful boner. 

   "Fine," Sam finally gives up and waves towards the night stand. "I left you two pills and a bottle of water over there. Drink them. I've also prepared your bath and some scrambled eggs and pancakes. Take your time."

   "Teddy Bear," I yell after him. "I love youuu!"

   He turns around at the door and cracks the brightest smile that makes me all weak and mushy. "I love you too, Peppercorn."


Photo by Tony Marturano from istockphoto.com


Hello at the end of chapter 68!

Thank you for reading and supporting! ❤❤❤

You are amazing!

Don't you think Alec needs to finally satisfy those untamed fantasies and calm down? 😂

No drinks next time, though. 

May be only a 'sweet peppercorn' cocktail. 😉

Share your thoughts, ask questions, and criticize if you think it's necessary.

And don't forget to vote if you liked the story.

Love: Anny 

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