twenty one

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excuse all mistakes...

All of the girls were currently walking the mall going into different stores and vendors to get clothing, shoes, and necessities for their upcoming trip. They found most of what they were wearing online, but decided to check out the mall for basic loungewear.

"I'm glad we're going somewhere tropical because I can't wait to wear these bathing suits." Lyric mentioned. After having a small debate the group decided to go to Maui, Hawaii. Honestly they left the decision up to Jayah and Yara.

"Who you telling? And we all got spine tattoos." Niara added. Well everyone except for Yara. She expressed her fear of needles multiple times, and she didn't want a big tattoo as her first. She knew that she'd pass out from the pain.

"I'm just ready to test out that balcony." Treasure smirked, pulling Yara in front of her as they stopped walking. "What else you need baby?" She quietly asked her, seeing Ni and Lyric go into their own conversation.

"I want to get something to wear for papa I just don't know what to get." Yara shyly replied. She hadn't been sexually intimate with Treasure or Hakim since before the kidnapping and she was craving their touch.

"I ordered you something online, but if you want we can stop in Victoria Secret." Treasure smirked. "I think you'll like what I ordered for you."

Yara shyly blushed, covering her face. "Stop staring at me." She said. Treasure removed her hands, grabbing Yara's neck passionately kissing her in the middle of the mall. Treasure had also been craving Yara, so she couldn't wait to please her on the trip.

"When you guys are done having sex in the middle of the mall meet us at the food court." Niara chuckled, shaking her head. She was glad that Yara was excited for their trip. When they first told her about it, she tried to put her money in with everyone else, but they sternly denied it. This trip was for Yara and they didn't want her to spend a penny.

"Mm baby, we're in public." Yara moaned, feeling Treasure grip her pussy.

Treasure chuckled, pecking her lips three times before pulling away. She always got carried away when they kissed because she loved the softness of Yara's lips. "First night we get there you mines, you understand?"

Yara nodded her head almost immediately, tucking her hair behind her ears. "Before we catch back up with them, can we go into that store? I wanna take a picture in their mirror." She asked. Treasure nodded, grabbing her hand leading the way into the store.

As of lately, Yara had been taking pictures in a mirror everytime she saw one. She clearly picked up Niara's habit. She even made a instagram and twitter where she occasionally posted. Of course her page was private, but she still had a big following.

"Look at my baby y'all." Treasure smiled, secretly recording Yara while she took pictures in the big mirror. "Imma eat her pussy when we get back home." She added, before ending the short video. She tagged Yara and Hakim before posting the video to her story.

Yara was done taking her pictures, uploading one to her Instagram page. She linked hands with Treasure as they both made their way to the food court. "Yani is really excited about the trip. She's excited to hang with our group." Yara mentioned.

"I can definitely tell. I know she's probably miserable living with that lady which is why I thought it was a good idea for her to come with us. Speaking of, have you talked to your dad about that family reunion?" Treasure responded. Treasure convinced Kofi and Yara's dad to let Yani tag along on the trip. They were both hesitant since she was still in school, but they knew that she could use the vacation as well.

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