Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Nathan's POV

My heart clenched tightly when I could only watch my mate cry in pain at the news of her wolf already passed away, leaving her with a new element which she had no idea how to wield right now.

Everything seems to crash down on my mate, making her so dejected right now.

"Babe, are you alright?" I asked, gently caressing her back as she continued to clench onto my shirt tightly while she cried loudly, letting out all the emotions which she must have withheld for very long.

"Do I look like I am?" She muttered against my shirt, sounding upset yet managed to come up with a sarcastic comment. This was the Evelyn that I knew despite the fact that she had lost her memory.

It felt like she was being herself just that she couldn't remember me and our memories together. I was slightly grateful that she couldn't remember the period when I had bullied her when we were young.

I was foolish at that moment as we were both young. I had a crush on her since young since we basically grew up together. However, I was jealous when other guys dated her while I couldn't because I was her brother's best friend.

Soon, jealousy turned into hatred when I realised I would never have the chance to date her. Hence, I started to pick on her and bullied her without letting anyone notice.

Others would think I was doting on her as a sister, but in fact, I would sneak up on her when she's not looking and throw her girly school bag into the bin or make her walk out of the school campus in flour.

Of course, she hated me to the core which was what I wanted. I wanted her attention on me, despite doing it the wrong way. I hadn't realised the consequences of what I have done until the day I came back from Alpha's training.

It was when I discovered that she is my mate and it made me reflect on everything I have done towards her and made me hang my head in regret. I was hurt when she did not want to acknowledge me as her mate and I knew it was all my fault that she had hated me until today.

I deserved it all.

But, I still wanted to make things work between us despite the shameful past. I wanted to protect her, to care for her and love her as my mate.

I embraced all the nasty stuffs she said to me because of what I have done to her when we were young. I tried to take the extra mile to make it up to her and try to prove to her that I have already repented and will never go back to the past.

Even if it takes me an eternity to prove to her that I will love her as my mate, I am willing to do so.

I stared down at my mate who was too exhausted after crying and dozed off in my arms. I wrapped my arms around her waist tightly, pecking her forehead gently as I laid her down on our bed.

Her chest rose and fell slowly as she was sound asleep. I brushed her hair across her forehead and covered the duvets over her body as I walked out of the room.

Immediately, my sense of direction changed as I stormed my way down to the cells where the damn Seer was held captive at the moment. I needed answers, I needed to know what she and the deceased Jones had ganged up and done towards my mate to kill her wolf.

My whole body was shaking as my mate was suffering from losing her wolf, she was upset that her wolf who was once a part of her, was now gone. She is never going to be the same Evelyn once she comes round that she has lost her wolf.

I clenched my fists repeatedly as I pushed past the door and growled loudly. Wallace and Roger who has been guarding her cell stiffened as soon as I approached the particular cell, bowing submissively upon my presence.

"Alpha." Both of them greeted simultaneously while I nodded towards the prisoner. "Still alive?" I demanded, anger coursing through my veins as it emitted from my body in waves.

I could feel myself boiling with anger.

"Yes, Alpha. She is currently in a sleep after another hour of torture." Wallace informed, digging keys out of his pocket as he opened the door to the cell.

"Wake that b*tch up." I snapped, obviously in a foul mood as Roger obliged and grabbed a fistful of her hair. She whimpered slightly and opened her eyes slowly.

When her eyes found mine, fear was flickering in her eyes as she squirmed uncomfortably. I let out a growl as I stormed into the room, clenching and unclenching my fists to control myself from lashing out at her and killing her.

My mate has suffered so much and her wolf had died as a result of what she has done. She has to pay the price, there is no way I will be merciful towards her.

"Alpha." She tried to bow, despite the torture given to her by my men. Her face was still intact, just a few scratches. Her body, however, was covered in blood staining the piece of dress she had donned when she first stepped into my lands.

However, the sight of her in this state, was not enough to rid off the pain and hurt that my mate was going through. Not only has she made her go into a coma, she had also shortened her lifespan and killed her wolf.

What she has done will never be forgiven. She deserves to be executed.

"Do you know what you have done?" I growled angrily, shooting daggers at her pathetic face. She hung her head as she sighed heavily, "The Luna must have also lost her wolf in the process, are you here to confirm this, Alpha?"

Immediately, I grabbed a fistful of her collar as I slammed her body against the brick wall. Her eyes widened in shock while all I could see was red.

"So, you knew." I spat in a fit of rage. I was beyond mad at this point and the last bit of patience I had in me was about to snap anytime soon.


A/N _ I just added a little memory of what happened in the past between Nathan and Evelyn when they were young. Maybe that's why Evelyn hated him to the core since they were young before they found out that they were mates haha :D

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