Chapter One

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Chapter One

Nathan's POV

Her feet gently walked in my direction, her blonde hair flowing down her body in waves. Her eyes held a look of purity and innocence as she continued to walk in my direction.

Those warm eyes of hers had turned cold as though she doesn't recognise who I am.

A white dress hugged her petite body, ruffles attached to the end of the dress. Her arms were bare as though the cold didn't affect her the slightest, neither did her legs which showed any signs of frostbite.

While I was currently wearing a thick parka jacket due to the cold, she doesn't seem slightest affected by the chilly winter.

What astonished me the most was her nonchalant look on her face as she walked past me as though we are strangers. Our arms brushed past each other, feeling sparks from the contact. Yet, her eyes showed no signs of recognition.

She is oblivious of my intense gaze on her as she walked past me, the strong wind blowing past us.

My heart clenched tightly in pain, jaws hardened as I curled my palms into fists to control myself. Emotions flickered past my eyes, the most obvious was hurt.

A tear rolled down my cheek without warning as I jolted awake at the image which had slipped into my mind last night. My eyes flickered over to the alarm clock which stated in large numbers.


Dragging a hand over my face in frustration that the dream had woken me up in this godly timing, I threw the cover out of my legs and hopped into the shower.

After a quick shower, I tugged onto a pair of shorts and grabbed a shirt from a hanger. As I walked out of my room, I pulled the shirt over my head and headed in the direction of my mate's room.

Ever since the operation ended and she was no longer in critical danger, I have shifted her over to another room to recuperate. Apparently, Eric has advised that she should sleep in a separate room from me so I wouldn't crush her if I had slept next to her.

Of course, I tried not to act offended even though I wanted to rip his head off for suggesting that. But, I still went ahead with this arrangement as I wanted the best for my mate.

So, I have made it a routine to visit her once in the morning, twice in the afternoon and the last time in the evening.

As much as I know that my wolf and myself yearns to be with her for twenty-four hours, I knew that I have duties to fulfill during the period she is in a coma.

Currently, Evan is doing the most work as I was still unstable without the presence of my mate. And, I am impressed that my mate's brother is doing a good job as a Beta seeing as he likes to mess around with human females.

But, it seems as though he has stopped his playboy ways the moment he found his mate in the midst of the human females he had screwed with.

And, he has gotten himself in deep shit when his mate found out about his past with several other girls. To say she was mad was an understatement.

He is probably burying himself in the tons of pack duties while trying to win her heart and earn her forgiveness at the same time.

The sight of them suddenly reminds me of my relationship with my mate.

I, too, had made a grave mistake by bullying her when I was young and it took me long enough to seek her forgiveness and get her to warm up to me when I found out we were actually mates.

I smiled at the memory, caressing her smooth skin as I pushed away strands of her hair from her forehead.

Sometimes, it makes me wonder how did the moon goddess had matched me with her when I was incapable of protecting her even until the end.

I have failed my duty as her mate that I had allowed the silver created by Jones to get into her petite body. No matter how tough she acted, she is still the fragile girl in my eyes.

I bent down and gently brushed my lips across her forehead, leaving a slow, lingering kiss.

Only for me to protect and love.


"Alpha." Evan nodded at me as he joined me on my weekly checkups, his hand clutching onto a basket of candies. Just like any other Thursdays, I would visit the injured wolves in the pack hospital who were still recovering from the war.

Imagine the relieved smile that crept up to my lips when I witnessed the touching scene of them reuniting with their family who had been worried for them and stayed by their side until they recovered.

I wonder when is the time I will hug my mate tightly and tell her how much I miss her.

Evan handed me the basket, nodding his head towards the door. Just as I opened the door, a cluster of kids started running towards me with bright smiles on their faces.

"Hey kids." I greeted them with a huge smile on my face, trying to lift up the mood instead of showing to them that I was still bothered over my mate's unconscious state.

"Alpha!" All of them greeted back respectfully, their wide eyes zeroed down onto the basket in my hands. I chuckled, giving out the candies to each and everyone of the kids who were present in this room right now.

After I had finished given out to all of them, my feet moved on its own accord as I made my way over to Elliot's bed. His face lit up the moment he saw me, grinning while his leg hung up in a cast.

He had an accident when he was on the way to school last week. Now, his leg is wrapped up in the cast and he is getting skinnier as the time goes by.

However, he is really positive instead as he looks forward to walk again like a normal being. As much as I wish to see that, but the doctor has mentioned to me that he will not be able to walk again as his nerves are weak, having a high chance of paralysis.

The poor boy is actually still looking forward to the day he would be able to walk. My heart clenched at the sight when I heard the news, my eyes were teary when I look at the strong boy who is so positive with his life.

I smiled, trying not to get affected by the doctor's words as I ruffled his hair. "Hey kid, how's your day?" I asked, handing him a candy from the almost empty basket.

He took it from me and nodded eagerly, "It was great, Alpha! Sister Angel taught us how to fold airplane papers. We had a race to see who could throw the furthest." He rambled on and on excitedly as he recounted what he has done the whole day.

All I did was smile as I listened to his chattering which drowned my thoughts of my mate who is still currently unconscious.

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