30 | Gone

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!!!Huge Trigger Warning!!!


"You remember Carl, don't you"

His words cut through my skin.

"He told me all about you. How good it was for him and how much fun he had" he continued.

"He raped me" I somehow got out. "Not so confident anymore" Chad says smirking.

"He died because he laid a hand on you and you were a fucking snitch" he walked closer to me.

I wasn't scared of him. I was scared of his anger. I couldn't show it. I wasn't supposed to be weak.

"After he died I thought that I just have to try the fuck that got him killed you know" he said coming even closer. He was smirking.

"Get away from me" I say trying to push past him but he doesn't budge. "No. Here's what's going to happen" he pushed me against the lockers and whispered.

"You are going to obey like a good little slut you are. Nobody dies and nobody finds out about this. I get what I want and you keep quiet" he was serious.

"Never" I spit at him. He grabs my throat. "Unless you want your brothers' school lives be living hell I suggest you obey bitch" he seethed.

"You won't do anything to them" I say. Hope is slowly leaving me.

"If you don't obey I promise you, Elijah will never be the same and Caleb will be left to die somewhere" he warned.

This is the part where I wish I never loved anybody. The love I had for my brothers was what got me into this situation.

"So what will it be? I'll get what I want either way. But your decision affects you" he had such an evil smirk.

I closed my eyes. I prayed that this was a dream. But I know God is fake. It was either me or my brothers.

And at this point...my decision was the obvious one.

"Answer me!" he yelled slapping me.

"Fine." I gave up.

He smiled. Such an evil smile. I was pulled into the showers. He got rid of my clothes fast. I didn't cry. I felt empty.

This was the most painful and embarrassing thing that ever happened to me.

He went for it for an hour. Until he tired himself out.

He cleaned himself up before forcing me to. I walked out of there. Numb.

I felt nothing. All I saw and heard was him. My mind was flooded.

I couldn't tell anybody even if I wanted to. And I didn't even want to. Maybe I was a slut now.

I walked to the cars. My brothers waiting for me. I didn't want to go. I very much would rather get hit by this car than be in it.

I put on my strong face. Like everything had gone according to plan. They gave me weird looks but I didn't look them in the eyes.

"Drive." I said to Alex. "Are you okay?" Elijah asked. "I said fucking DRIVE" I raised my voice. They didn't ask anymore questions. Luke gave me a few looks but I didn't return any of them.

We got home and I locked myself in my room. I inspected my body. Ruined, bruised, raped.

I got in the shower and tried to scrub him off but I knew I couldn't. His touch was haunting me.

I heard a knock on the door. "Go away" I said. "Come to lunch" Chris' voice said. That's when the tears fell.

Chris' best friend died because he raped me. And now I got raped again as revenge.

I curled up on the floor. He left after some time.

I grabbed a pen and paper.


We had kicked a ball around with Chad's friends for more than an hour already and decided to get back.

We got to the car and Kie wasn't there yet. "Where's Kiara?" Alex asks. "I'm sure she'll be here in no time" Elijah said. And sure enough there she was.

She looked lost in thought. She looked tired. Maybe beating the shit out of somebody tires you.

When she got in the car the energy was off. She seemed distracted. Every attempt to talk to her she shot down.

When we got back she ran off immediately. Chris and I went to prepare lunch. Chris was such a great cook and I wanted to learn something.

The others sat and watched TV.

In almost no time the food was served. "I'll go get Kiara" Chris announced and made his way upstairs.

"Did she seem off to you?" Elijah asks Caleb. "I don't know if off is the right word. She just seemed tired" Caleb responded.

Chris came back alone. "I think she was sleeping. She told me to go away and didn't respond after that" he says.

"I'll check on her later" Elijah says and we all dig in. I have a weird feeling though.


We ate our food in silence. I was a little concerned for Kie but decided to drop it for now.

In 20 minutes we were all done and went our separate ways across the house.

I went to Kie's room. Her door was locked. I knocked. No response.

I knocked again. Same thing.

I was about to give up when I noticed a key on the floor. The key to her room.

It was weird that it was just there.

I unlocked her door and went in.

Her room was empty. Clothes gone, bed made.
It looked like nobody had been in here for weeks. The only indication of life was the almost completely melted candle on the bookshelf. I panicked a little and went through the whole room.

The bathroom was empty. None of her personal belongings were there anymore. I was about to run and get the others when I saw a piece of paper. I guess I missed it before.


I'm so sorry you're reading this...

I'm fine. But I don't think you'll see me again for some time. I had to go. It felt right. I'm so sorry. Don't try to find me. You won't succeed.

I love you all and I promise we will meet again.

Kiara Athena

I dropped to my knees reading it. She signed both her names. She was gone.

I yelled for my brothers and they came running. I cried. I hadn't cried like that for some time now.

Caleb held me and we sat together. Alex sent men out looking for her immediately. Chris and Dylan went with Alex and Luke just stared at a wall.

She had ran again. This time for good.

————————— To Be Continued ————————-

Nothing Ever Lasts Forever | BOOK 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now