28 | Code black

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TW: scars, drugs use, violence

green- I'm having a hard time eating
red- I want to hurt myself
white- I have an urge to take drugs
blue- I feel like killing myself
purple- I don't want to be alone
pink- panic attack
black- I have done something (cut, used, attempted)
yellow - the voices won't shut up


I stared at my arms. The scars were all there. Every moment of weakness displayed. They were getting old...

I snapped out of it. Athena shouldn't care.

I went to the basement. I wanted to have some evil fun with my prisoners.

Leo kept quiet but Celina started talking right when she saw me.

"This has to be a misunderstanding" she starts. "I don't deserve this" her voice is shaking. Not so confident anymore are you?

Dylan is looking at me. I don't think he's scared of me. Just typical worried brother.

"I don't want to kill you Celina so I suggest shutting up" I say calmly. Leonardo is looking at me like I'm a psycho.

I can't blame him. He wouldn't exactly be wrong.

"Please, I'm so sorry for ever hurting you just please let me go home" she cried.

I threw a knife at her missing very very slightly. She screamed. I liked it.

"Did you scream like that when the guy who I thought I was going to date fucked the living shit out of you?" I asked her.

Dylan's eyes widen. Leo keeps quiet. He is way smarter than Celina. Sad.

Here I was hoping women would rule the world.

Oh well.

Guess I'll have to do it then.

Dy was fuming. He didn't know anything about Luke and Celina having some kinky ass sex in the middle of a mission.

I only know because I fucking heard them. I'm surprised nobody else did.

God I'm getting off topic.

"Hi Leo" I said turning to the basketball king. "Hey Kiara" he said. "Athena" I corrected.

"Hi Athena" he said. He behaved.

I just might let him off the hook easier.

Nah I won't.

Now's too late to play nice. Should've been nice last year instead of covering me in hot porridge. Such a bitch of a son.

His mother probably wouldn't pay for him. However his father owes us money. I wonder if threatening to kill his son will get us the missing 500k.

Now obviously this isn't about the zeros at the end of a number. This is about the point. The point here is that if you cause damage worth of a million dollars. Then you better pay back the million.

He got us the first 500k slowly. Took him a year. But time is running out. Because I want it to.

Alex doesn't really care as long as he gets the money.

I decided to make it fun for everybody. There was a guard by the door that worked for us. He had strict orders to do whatever I say.

I went up to him and whispered: "go find Alex and tell him that Athena called a code black but that he can't come to see me before I'm back upstairs"

The guard nodded and ran off.

Dylan was so confused. But he kept up his tough big bad mafia wolf act. He will help me hurt Leonardo. Celina is all mine. She doesn't deserve a man touching her.

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