Chapter 13

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Gots this uploaded after 22 votes and 5 comments, I'm fast no? >:D anyway, I just got some great ideas so.. Look forward to what's to come ;)

Same again? 22 votes and 5 comments till next upload? (:

Chapter 13

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Am I in a hospital...? I wish. I groaned and whacked my alarm, causing the ringing to stop. I sighed contently into my pillow.

"Payton! Wake up!" Well that didn't last long.

I made a noise as I heaved myself up and off the bed in a very unladylike fashion. I probably looked like a caveman in the state I was in.

"I'm up!" I basically roared down the stairs.

After everything that happened yesterday, couldn't the woman give me a break?

By the time I was down the stairs and in the kitchen, realization hit me like a ton of bricks. It was Saturday. It. Was. Saturday. And guess what time it was? I stared at the clock on the microwave and felt my eye twitch. Only my Mom would drag me up at 5:00AM in the morning on a Saturday morning. What was she thinking?

"Why, why, why," I started banging my head against the kitchen counter, "Why, did you call me up?"

"This is a good change! Besides, your appointment with Dr, Saunders has been rescheduled to 5:45AM and we don't want to be late!" My Mom answered as if it were the most logical thing in the world.

Oh, okay, so it was HIS doing. He was going to die. Both for the idiotic note and for this time switch-a-roo. Who goes to therapy appointments at five in the morning? FIVE in the morning! I don't do five in the morning.

"I'm going back to sleep."

* * * * * *

My hoping for a few extra hours of sleep? It didn't happen. Thanks to none other than my Mom.

"Now I better not get a call that you didn't show up for the appointment." My Mom threatened with a pointed finger in my direction.

Déjà vu. This moment reminded me of the first time that I was here. Her words were along the lines of the ones she was speaking now. Lovely.

"I won't. I promise." I rolled my eyes.

There was no point in arguing with her, she'd find one way or another to get me to agree. Plus, agreeing with her right always saves both of us so much time.

"Good." She huffed, surprised that I'd agreed so fast.

She started up her car and pulled from the curb, leaving me in front of the towering glass building that looked like it was about to topple on top of me. As I entered the building, I noticed the secretary changed, and instead of my usually walk, smile, elevator, appointment, then leave, routine, she flagged me down. I sighed as I made my way over to her.

"Do you have an appointment here?" Her pitchy pissed me off just from that very sentence.

She seemed to be in her early thirties and already had stray pieces of greeting her, making her otherwise fiery redhead dull.

"No, that's not why I came here." I wanted to snap at her in a sarcastic tone, but I didn't.

"Yes, with Dr. Saunters." I answered through clenched teeth.

She nodded stiffly, sensing my unpleasant mood and typed away at the computer in front of her. A moment later she looked back up at me.

"He is currently at a meeting in the top floor right now, you can go up to the usual room and wait." She began waving me away.

What kind of therapist has meetings at five in the morning? This makes me question the sanity of the woman sitting in front of me right now as well. What kind of person takes a job which requires you to be here before five in the morning to do desk work? I certainly wouldn't. Heck, I would take working at McDonald's over this! Unless she gets paid nearly as much as Damon did.

I stepped into the elevator and my mind drifted back to the words Damon said to me. Cupid's son, huh? I shook my head, letting out a small chuckle. I couldn't believe I had just considered

that what he said was true. I must be going crazy. I'm probably just sleep deprived.

After I snapped out of my trance, I realized I hadn't press the floor button yet. My finger drifted to the second highest floor, ninety nine, but then moved to hover above a hundred. He was at a meeting there...? I found myself pressing the button and the elevator door slid close, as sending the floors quickly. It was as if time was sped up instead of how it was like in the movies where it slowed down. My heart rate quickened and when I almost reached the top floor, the elevator stopped at ninety five. A noise of impatience escaped from me as the door opened and in stepped a middle aged man. He smiled politely and pressed ninety six.

Really? He couldn't have, I don't know, just walked that one floor? It's good exercise considering he would probably be cooped up in here all day. And what are these people,

nocturnal? It's 5:30 in the morning people!

He stepped out of the elevator and my hand flew to press the button to shut the floor. The elevator started ascending once more. I had a ding in a matter of seconds and waited with anticipation as the door slid open. My hands felt clammy as I stepped out from the elevator and into a normal looking hallway. Well, at least it isn't like some giant warp hole that would've sucked me in whole.

"But-" I heard a voice down the hall being cut off by another.

"There are no excuses you can give." Snapped another invisible voice.

I stepped out, tippy toeing into the lobby of the floor. The secretary there looked at me with a raised brow. I smiled awkwardly. I must've looked strange with my burglar-like stance and on tip toes.

"Do you have an appointment?" She asked slowly.

I panicked, so I started fast walking in the direction of the voices before and when the secretary noticed what I was doing she started calling after me. But not loud enough for the people down the hall in the last office to hear. I saw door that was slightly ajar and decided that's where the voices were from.

"You said you'd have it done within a few weeks and according to the list, you don't." A low rumble came from further in the room.

"It's not my fault she's a stubborn little-" It was Damon's voice, closer to the door than the other.

"No excuses!" The voice boomed.

"It's not an excuse-"

"And how will you solve this?" The low voice cut him off, "You will be leaving to help her brother tomorrow."

"I'll figure it out, just give me some time!" Damon said exasperatedly.

"Time? I don't have 'time'." I finally figured out it was his father, snapped at his response.

"I'll get it done, okay?"

"You better, any son of Cupid's does not fail." His father dead panned.

"I'm your only son." I heard Damon grumble.

At this point my ear was pressed against the door and I was praying that I wouldn't tumble into the door.

"All the more reason." I could hear a smug tone in his father's voice.

I decided it was time for me to leave and so I zoomed out of the office and into the elevator, pushing past the secretary who had been half way to where Damon and his father were arguing, no doubt trying to kick me out. I pressed the elevator button multiple times for the lobby. Screw this, I'm not going to my appointment after what I just heard.

So he wasn't lying, he was actually telling the truth. He was... Cupid's son?! Sorry Mom, can't keep my promise of not ditching after that.


Thoughts ? O: omg Damon leaving soon? What will Payton's response be when he's gone?! Also, gonna probably have a bit of Allan drama in the next chapter with Joey making an appearance ;D


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