Chapter 09

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I tried to make this chapter longer so I hope you guys like it! The end of this chapter might be a little blurry and doesn't make much sense since I'm kinda chocolate high right now but I had to get this chapter up! >.< just came back from helping my dad in his restaurant so I'm tired as heck -___-"

Chapter 9

"What the heck are you doing here?" I exclaimed exasperatedly.

Damon sported a smirk on his face as leaned against a half empty, Disney princesses costume shelf.

"Are you a stalker or something? Why are you popping up everywhere I go?!" I said the first thing that popped into my mind and crossed my arms across my chest.

He rolled his eyes at me and snorted.

"No I'm not a stalker, and the answer to your second question is," He made jazz hands. "Magic."

It was my turn to snort. Okay, sure. Magic, pfft. What does he take me for, a five year old? I huffed.

"So, how's your date so far?" Damon changed the subject and raised a brow in amusement.

Date? How did he know I was on a date?

"How did you know I was on a date?" I asked curiously with a raised brow.

He blinked and his expression faltered a bit but came right back.

"Those two guys over there are with your friend." He stated simply with a shrug that looked too stiff to be natural.

I would've believed him if it wasn't for his tense posture.

"You've never met Lucy before, how did you know she was my friend." My eyes narrowed.

My suspicion grew as he looked past me than back. My mind spinning as possible answers flew around in my mind.

"I saw you walk in with them." Damon concluded with a smirk.

He got me there. I sighed, my shoulders sagging with defeat.

"Why are you here?" I sighed again, annoyed at his appearance for some reason.

"Amanda's sister's daughter's birthday is coming up and she wanted to buy a gift." He shrugged.

Oh great. He's here with Amanda. This made me furrow my brows but I quickly changed my expression to a smile.

"Well have fun! I'm going to get back to my date." I put emphasis on the word 'date' and skipped back to where the three were without looking back.

"Oh yeah, and I'm planning on taking on your condition." I called over my shoulder before I got to where Lucy is.

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