"A Formality" Ch. 3-5 (ENDING)

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[Isaac's POV]
I was thinking a lot lately, what if Scott... Suddenly gets tired of me and goes date another person? That would destroy me, and i guess i could never find love again, it was already a miracle that Scott turned out to like me, but what if...

The concern consumes me, and i realized that i wanted to be with him the rest of my life, what to do in these situations?

I searched for an answer, until one certainly caught my attention, a promise ring, those things are for visible affection signs for a partner, figured out it's exactly my case, so i searched where to get one, fortunately i hace plenty of money saved, so i guess i can plan out something, more now that Scott's birthday is in 3 days.

[Scott POV]
I was in my room, just scrolling on my phone, when i get a notification that Isaac sent me a message.

Ice Sack❤️

Ice Sack❤️
Hey, Scott, do you have like any plans this tuesday?

No, i don't think so, even tho that's the day before my birthday

Ice Sack❤️
What about a date that day?

Sure, sounds lovely!!!

Ice Sack❤️
Great!! Cya at 5 PM then

I wonder what is his plan, this is unusual on him.

[Next Tuesday]
I reunited with Isaac at 4:58 PM outside of my house, a bit early but close enough, he looked nervous about something?

Scott: "What's up babe?"

Isaac: "Hello, babe!"

Scott: "Are we going?"

Isaac: "Yeah sure, give me a moment."

I saw Isaac get a key out of his pocket and unlock the parked car in front of my house, since when did he drive?

Scott: "Wait a minute, who's getting us there?"


Scott: "What?"

Isaac: "I've been getting driving lessons from my mom, and i'm soon getting my license."

Scott: "You took what i said about driving me everywhere too seriously!"

Isaac: "It's more convenient!"

Scott: "Alright, i'll get in if i may."

We got in Isaac's mom car, he drove to a restaurant.

Scott: "I'm guessing this is just a cover so we go to another place later, isn't it?"

Isaac: "Mhm!"

Scott: "Classic Isaac."

I pet his head, we got into the restaurant, got a table, ate, what you'd expect on a date, i was just wondering why his knee was bumping the whole time.

We got out and it was 6:30 PM already.

Isaac: "I have one last thing we will do."

Scott: "Alright! Go on sir."

He drove us to a place with a great view, you could see the sunset in the horizon, we got out and just sat there and watched it, all together.

It passed a few minutes until he cleared his throat and expressed he wanted to get up, and so we got up.

Isaac: "So, it's been a lot of time since we met, almost a year and it's crazy just thinking about a life without you..."

Scott: "It's been good times."

Isaac: "Erm, i'm not proposing marriage by the way!"

Scott: "Good, We are still a bit too young for that, i'd like though."

Isaac: "I just wanted to give you this..."

Isaac got a small box out of his pocket and opened it, inside there was a ring.

Isaac: "This is a promise ring, a way for me to express how much i love you, and i wanted you to have it, so we are always together, and we promise that we'll always love eachother..."

Scott: "Isaac... Oh god i love you!"

I rushed to hug him, a few tears coming out of my eyes.

Scott: "Of course, yes, we'll always loce eachother, and you don't even need a ring to express it!"

Isaac: "I know, it was just a formality... What are you waiting put it on!"

Scott: "Oh right."

I put it on my right index finger.

Scott: "I love it... I love you!"

Isaac: "It looks good on you!"

Scott: "I'd like that we stay like this forever."

Isaac: "Always, my love."

Scott: "... You know, i feel i have met an angel in person."

Isaac: "Is that a line from a song?"

Scott: "... Maybe."

Isaac: "It's weird though, why would we get to love eachother, why would you love me?"

Scott: "I don't need a reason, such a foolish question whatsoever, i just... Love you."

We kissed for a long long time, watching the sunset and hugging.

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Author's Note:

Hello my dear fluff enjoyers.
I hope you are great, it's been long, hard, yet sweet working on this story, sadly, the main story has come to an end, i don't think i can get more out of the story, and i also want to focus on Changed Perception.

So "Why would you love me?" And the love story of Scott and Isaac has come to an end for now, i may do something more with the story, but the 3 part full story is not getting a fourth part.

That's it for now, i love ya'll.

- Naruhodo A. Wrighto

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