Chapter 14|Safe

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The day is coming soon

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The day is coming soon

Everyone is preparing for that day

Guards training has been more difficult and hard but it's beneficial

All the Princes are busy practicing swords and fighting, even using their powers. Trying to know how much can they control and use it

Whereas you were heading to the place which should not reach princes ears at all, Especially Jin and Namjoon

You followed the directions since you remember it when the guard told you because of Taehyung being locked. He is been released as Jungkook requested to Jin

This time You are going to free your sister for sure

You flinched and hide behind the walls after hearing the footsteps of the guards. They were laughing while talking

You tried to move but accidentally made a little rock fall. You breathe hitched when the footsteps stopped

" Wait did you hear something?"

One of them asked his partner

You were praying to God to make them dumb and leave from here

" No I didn't. Dude your ears are really sensitive...It must be a frog " He said and chuckled

He rolled his eyes and left from there, making his partner who was smiling follow him

You sighed out in releif and took a peek outside, You smiled while getting away from the wall and continue your way towards the prison


" I greet to my king "

Jin kneel down making the king smirk

" Stand up...Tell me how's the preparation going Prince Jin " King asked

" Everything's going good Father, we can't wait untill he comes here but never goes back. The only thing would go back is his head " Jin grinned while telling His intentions and thirst to kill someone

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