Chapter 4|Taken Away

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You could only see blood

Coming out of your step-parents neck as they laid lifeless on the ground

You shuted your mouth with hands from the scream as you stared at the bodies. Their eyes were wide open and mouth slight open

You slowly removed the hands and roamed your eyes to find her

Your ' Little sister '

She was missing

Suddenly you heard some noise coming from the stairs. You ran back to your room and found the window open

There was no time for you to think so you did what your brain told you to

You jumped out of the window and ran, not daring to look back

The night was cold and scary yet beautiful. Anyone would have liked to take a walk and have romantic talks but

You were running with your heart beating hard and fear in your body. You didn't care but just ran untill you couldn't breathe

A chill ran down your spine when you heard his laugh. He was enjoying it, all of it. While running the memories of you having a normal life and a enjoyable one hits you

It wasn't going through the plot

You were confused, lost and scared in this world

" Stop resisting are our possession and no one takes them away " He said smirking while his red eyes stared at your small body

You didn't response or reply as you were now scared of his words. A tear fell from your left eyes

He was too fast

Suddenly someone jumped infront of you making you flinch and almost fall. You were about to run in another way but found yourself pinned on the wall

His red eyes staring right at you

You clenched your dress tightly and looked at them in fear

" Please L-Let me go " you said lips trembling, scared of what he will do

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