Chapter 26 ~ Questions

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We ended up going to a small park that wasn't very busy, even on a cool Friday afternoon. Aiden wore his sunglasses and got approached once by a group of three teenage boys, but other than that, no one bothered him. At first, I had tried giving Aiden some options of where we could go that weren't in public, but he really wanted to go to this park. Especially after I told him it was a great place for fishing and watching ducks.

As the sun set, we sat on a bench in the far corner of the park's lake, looking out across the sparkling water. The ducks swam across the water lazily and with not a care in the world.

"I wish I was a duck," I blurted out.

Aiden laughed. "Really? Out of all the animals?"

"They get the best of everything! They can fly, but they also sit on the water and swim... Such peaceful lives," I said, wistfully resting my head on my arm.

"I suppose so," said Aiden.

We sat in silence. I knew what the silence meant.

I let the sun sink lower and lower into the earth, finally disappearing beyond the lake's edge, leaving rippling dark water behind before I spoke up.

"You have to leave soon, right?"

Aiden's eyes got sad. I hated when his eyes got sad.

"I do," he responded. I could almost tangibly feel the misery behind his voice.

One of his bodyguards, who was standing thirty feet away, started walking towards us.

"It's time, Aiden," said the bodyguard.

"We're wrapping it up, Mike," said Aiden. His bodyguard nodded and gave us some space.

Aiden sighed. "I hope to see you sooner than our last time."

"I sure hope so!" I said, biting my bottom lip. My eyes were getting a bit stingy.

Aiden noticed. As he always did.

The next moment, he was wrapping his arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug. I immediately hugged him back, but that was when I lost control over my tears and let them flow freely. Curse hugs! They always made me cry.

As though reading my thoughts, Aiden said, "Don't feel bad for crying."

"You don't know me," I repeated his words teasingly.

"Idiot," he said softly.

I could hear the smile in his voice.

---River's POV---

I didn't see Holly much on Friday, since she was out with her brother and I had a long practice. I was hoping to see her Saturday, but she had the morning shift at the bakery, and I again had a long day of practicing.

To say I was exhausted by late Saturday afternoon was an understatement. My legs felt shaky and unstable to use, and my shoulder was still bothering me from the rough hit during the game last weekend. My feet dragged as I climbed the three flights of stairs to our apartment.

As I entered, I saw Holly sitting at the dining table, her glasses on, her hair in its signature ponytail. She wore a pale blue hoodie with a daisy on the front and sweatpants. Her eyes moved to mine as I shut the door behind me.

"You look comfy," I said with jealousy.

She smiled a bit. "Come join me! I'm doing homework."

"I will in a bit."

When I showered and changed into a t-shirt and sweatpants and came back out, Holly was still in the same position.

She glanced at me. "You took a quick shower this time."

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