Chapter 8 ~ Rules

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---River's POV---

I hit my phone to turn off the alarm clock. It didn't turn off. I had to sit up and manhandle my phone to stop the horrible noise.

I sat on the edge of my bed, holding my head in my hands. I heard the bathroom sink being used, which meant Holland was awake.

Last night, I didn't sleep well at all. This whole situation was absurd. I had spent hours going through different scenarios, trying to figure out a way out of this, but I simply had no other options.

On top of everything, Holland seemed like a really nice girl.

That worried me deeply.

What did she want from me? Was she going to use any of this against me? Was this all part of her plan from the beginning?

I got dressed in a simple t-shirt and athletic shorts. I unlocked and opened my door, tying my hair in a short, messy man bun as I stepped into the living room.

Holland was at the front door, putting on tennis shoes. Her blonde hair was in its usual ponytail, and she was dressed in a bright pink tank top and running shorts. Even without her glasses, she looked cute.

Wait, was she... stalking me? Was she going to the same place that I was?

Paranoia filled my thoughts, but before they could spiral, I asked, "Where are you going?"

She glanced up at me with boredom in her eyes. "Why do you care?"

Because you might be following me.

I guess I was quiet for too long because she let out a sigh and said, "I'm going for a run."

"Before you go," I began, "we need to talk about the rules."

"Rules? You already set some last night. I won't bother you."

My heart stung a bit when I heard a pang of sadness in her voice. "That includes on campus, too. Don't approach me or my team. And don't invite anyone over."

"I'm not an idiot."

"That remains to be proven."

She folded her arms. "Stop talking like that!"

"Like what?"

"Like you're all 'high and mighty.' It's annoying."

"You're annoying. Is that the kind of talk you'd rather hear? More childish for you? More suitable for your taste?"

"I'm leaving," Holland said, flipping her ponytail dramatically and storming out of the house. She didn't close the door gently.

I took a deep breath and steadied myself against the doorframe. I was a horrible person. Holland looked at me with such contempt that it made me hate myself.

But I couldn't let her get close. I couldn't let her get any information to use against me.

It was already dangerous enough to live with a stranger.

It was only Wednesday, but thankfully, I had a light day. My one class went smoothly, and before long, I found myself at lunch with some teammates and others. I only had to get through this stupid lunch and practice before I was free for the day.

Benji laughed beside me loudly, clearly forcing a laugh to flirt with a girl. I looked at the girl Benji was trying to impress. She didn't seem nice.

Paulina from the women's soccer team sat across from me.

"So, River," she began. Everyone turned to face us. "I heard you guys play Knightwood College on Saturday. It's an away game?"

"That's right," I said.

"Our captain's got us covered," said Thomas, one of my teammates, as he slapped me on the back.

"It shouldn't be too hard," I said.

"It's your senior year," spoke up Benji. "No room for messing up."

I ignored the implications that were laced in his voice.

"Thomas, you're hosting the party, right?" Paulina asked him. "The one after the game."

"Yes ma'am," said Thomas. "Though, River better come to this one."

"I'll pass," I said simply.

The table immediately erupted in protests. They'd always been adamant to have me at these parties of theirs. When I didn't go, people lost a lot of interest, so fewer showed up. It was no wonder they wanted me to be there.

Usually, they succeeded in pressuring me to go. But I was going to make sure they wouldn't this time.

I excused myself from the table as they kept arguing about the party. Walking with purpose and ignoring glances, I entered the soccer building near the fields. I made sure the locker room was empty before changing into my practice gear.

I pushed myself too hard once again during practice. By the end, my vision was starting to show black around the edges, and my heart rate didn't seem to slow. I took a long, steaming shower in the locker room in an attempt to get rid of the dirtiness that I felt, both inside and out.

Coach Rick stopped me as I was heading to the parking lot.

"River, you got a second?"

"Sure, Coach," I said, furrowing my eyebrows slightly and stepping toward him.

"I got a call from your dad..." Coach Rick began. "He was angry about... something. I couldn't really make it out. He was shouting a lot and then hung up on me."

"I'm sorry about that. Please don't worry. I'll talk to him."

"Okay. If you need anything, let me know," said Coach. I turned to leave, but he continued. "And River... I shouldn't have to tell you this, but you really need to step it up this year. You're falling behind where I expected you to be by now. I'd like you to stay after practices or come in the mornings for extra work, okay?"

"Yes sir."

"Oh, and go on a diet. You're gaining weight."

"Yes sir."

I walked to the parking lot and sat in my car. I didn't feel like driving. My arms felt heavy, and my head was spinning.

Dad was probably drunk again, shouting about who-knows-what. I didn't want to look at my phone for fear of seeing his messages or voicemails.

I clutched my chest, twisting my shirt, letting my breaths become quick.

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