Chapter 3 Back again!

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"Have I not proven myself to you I saved your life and his ,and your other son and the boy with his maid?" Have your men lock up the men I tranquilized they will wake up later!

" Let's go and we will come back another day through the gate!" Gather everyone the old coot demanded, turning on the teleprompt " Vixen to Draco over and out!" A loud hum and "Jessie " He hissed Hi Draco we are ready ,setting time dimensional coordinates " Ready ?" I'm opening the gate a loud hum and wind swirled in the white light.

" Okay everyone hold hands as we walk through" I'm scared the little boy said his tail shaking " Hold my hand kiddo!" Let's go ! I say as I look behind repeat after me kiddo " Sticks and stones may break my bones but fear never will!" And then we all stepped out into my field.

" You all made it!" Yeah handsome " Now let's order take out!" I bat my eyes hmm, with a smile " Six buckets of chicken and lots of macaroni and cheese!" Draco said with a smile, " I'm going to take a bath " I guess they can sleep in my house but I'm keeping my room and bed! I say industriously.

He smirks ,going into the house I got my bath salts,a t shirt and sweatpants I soaked for a while and shampooed my hair as I got out I begrudgingly put on a bra but I do have guests I leave the towel around my neck letting my hair dry naturally as I sit at the bottom of the stairs.

The little boy had his older brother and sister wall over with him " Thank you, you are strong for a human!" Your welcome, but you know all species have their own strengths and weaknesses! I smiled looking at them .They look surprised that I spoke to them ! I giggled.

Then there were growls " It's is alright dragonkin that is our food!" All the chicken and macaroni and cheese was brought in I got the paper plates and cups down.I mentally giggle watching these men look at fried chicken, examining it as if it was something from outer space.

I can't help but chuckle I got myself a plate and opened the other bucket getting a couple pieces of the bird and some macaroni then I sat down and began eating, as I took a sip of my sweet tea I see the youngest little one a baby girl " Little dragoness are you hungry?" She mewed and cooed .

I looked at the others seeing they were just sitting down I see she has plenty of teeth I gave her a little bite of chicken she growled and mmm smacking, I took a bite and a sip she looks up at me with her mouth open I gave her another bite this went on until she stopped.

I continued eating then realized the room was quiet I looked around " What?" You fed her! " Yes you all were just sitting to eat so I fed her!" Great now she looks pissy " Hey I could never take your place as her mother.

I was just helping you!" Draco looked at me and back down to his plate shaking his head at her reaction." I put my plate in the garbage " Good night see you tomorrow Draco!" He smiled I noticed Amos watching too but I pretend not too! Sorry about the posting so soon last night I thought the whole chapter saved but it didn't anyway hope you all enjoy it ;)!

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