• Quadrobics •

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Quadrobics. What are quadrobics? Quadrobics is the art/or sport of dropping down on all fours and walking, trotting, running, and jumping. But, of course, quadrobics can be any form of moving around like your theriotype (non-human)!
Some of the things you can perform in quadrobics are waking, amble, pacing, trotting, canter, running/galloping, pouncing, small jumps, long jumps, and high jumps. hunting crouch, stretching, climbing, and so much more.
Caution: Because humans are essentially built to walk on twos, it is not natural to walk on all fours. Quadrobics are not natural to the human body, and should not be performed or attempted with limb disabilities, or injuries. Quadrobics can be dangerous and cause extreme harm if attempted by a beginner or amateur.

"How do you do quadrobics?", you may ask, well, on TikTok and YouTube, there are many introductions for beginners! These usually tell you about form, how to walk, sit/stand on fours, and such. It's important not to get discouraged by other quadrobics that may be farther along than you! Everyone has their own journey. Remember, don't compare your beginnings to other's middles!
Beginner tuts (paste to Google):

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