"I'm sorry."

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Shigaraki POV:

It had been almost two weeks since Dabi got me the hoodie, and we hadn't been fighting as much. Kurogiri wouldn't shut up about how right he was about us being happier now that we stopped fighting, he might of been right, but I would never admit that.

I found myself thinking about Dabi more, a lot more. I missed him more...I wasn't going to admit that to anyone. I knew I had a weird crush on him, but i convinced myself that it would go away.

Dabi POV:

I had been pacing around my room for almost half an hour. Why the fuck was my brain doing this? My hands were smoking as I ran them through my hair.

Fuck! Tomura wouldn't leave my head, and I fucking hated it. I didn't know why, and I just wanted it to stop, his stupid fucking smile. His stupidly perfect eyes. Do I like him? No-No! Why does he do this to me. God, I'm losing my mind. I could just avoid him? It'll stop if I don't talk to him- right?


I was sitting at the bar, drinking away my thoughts. I saw Tomura come out of his room, he went to sit down next to me "Hey-" I got up and walked to my room before he could say anything else. Fuck, this was gonna be harder than I thought.


Shiggy POV:

I just stood there and watched Dabi walk away. What the fuck? Kurogiri was staring from behind the counter. I hated myself for it, but it hurt watching him just walk away from me without a word.

To avoid questioning from the smoke man I walked after Dabi and knocked on his door, "Hey, you alright?"

"Fuck off."

"Come on, patchwork. Tell me what's up."

"I said fuck off."

I attempted to turn the door handle but it was locked, I stared at the door for a minute, unsure of what to do. "Don't stay in there all day..." I said as I walked away from his door and into my room.

I collapsed onto my bed and buried my face into my pillow.

is he mad at me?


Dabi had been completely ignoring me for almost 3 days. I knocked on his door everyday to try and talk, never worked. He just stopped responding. It wouldn't of hurt as bad if he was doing this to everyone, but it was only me. Does he hate me?

Kurogiri had noticed how distant he was with me but didn't say anything. I decided I would just try and talk to him whenever he came out of his room, which didn't happen very often anymore.

I sat down on the couch, my knees pulled to my chest. I sat there staring at the wall for way too long. I turned my head when I heard someone walk in, Dabi- Dabi!

When he saw me he went to turn back around, I got up and grabbed his shoulder, he turned to look at me, he looked irritated. "What?"

"Your ignoring me. Why?"

"I'm not-"



"Do you hate me? Did I do something wrong?"

"What- No-"

"Then fucking talk to me!"


Dabi's POV:

I stared at Tomura with wide eyes, I didn't expect him to care that I had been avoiding him, but I was obviously wrong.

"Tomura..." I sighed and wrapped my arms around the slightly smaller male. Fuck I'm an idiot. I didn't get rid of any of these stupid feelings, and I hurt Tomura in the process of trying to. Im such a dick.

I could feel Shigaraki hesitate before he hugged me back, I leaned my forehead against his and looked into his crimson eyes. "I'm sorry."

Fuck you // ShigadabiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz