Malia! No!

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Olivia's pov :

One of my best friends was standing on the edge of that building holding that doll.

She stood there looking lifeless, pale and sick.

The life and happiness from her pretty face had just disappeared like it was stolen from her.

Lorraine's pov :

It happened. I didn't think it was going to happen but the doll got her.

I was examining from what I could see if her and all I know is that she's possessed the doll finally got into her and there's no way in saving her now..

She dropped the doll which fell off the roof of the two story building landing in front of Olivia's feet.

I looked back up at her in shock and horror... She was holding a knife it looked like it was a knife she had gotten from her kitchen.

Before I knew it she had the knife up to her throat. Olivia ran into the building to get up to her and stop her while I was stood there. It was like in my dream I couldn't move my legs were frozen.

I then watched as she slit her throat and fell from the top of the building..

I should've listened to the dream I should've trusted my gut and known that she was going to hurt herself but I never did....

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