chapter 8

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I jump up out of my sleep and scream I put
my head into my hands and start to cry Ed jumps up "Lorraine!?!?! What's wrong what happened?!" I keep crying "I had one of those
dreams again" I wrap my arms around him and he hugs me "What happened?" I shake my head "I don't want to answer that question right now" he nods "Alright don't worry it's really early so just go back to sleep" I nod and lay down I feel like a child but that was horrible Ed lays down beside me and I lay my head on his chest knowing I'm safe with him he wraps his arm around me and we fall back asleep.


I wake up it's 7:00am thank god the lecture doesn't start until 10 for the rest of the week I get dressed and go into Judy's room to wake her up "Judy time to get up for school" I take out an outfit for her and it on the chair then walk downstairs "Hun" Ed turns to me "Yes?" I pour my coffee "My dream was about us in the house before I got pregnant with Judy just after we were married and moved here but someone or something stabbed you in the stomach that's why I screamed when I woke up" I sip my coffee "Lorraine we all have bad
dreams sometimes don't worry" I look at him "I know I know but this is what different I could say what I wanted I could control my mind my actions" he looks at me concerned "That's weird...." I nod "I know"

Judy runs downstairs and make a bowl of cereal "Morning sunshine" Ed kisses Judy's head "Morning Dad" she replies I smile "Morning sweetie" she turns to me "Morning Mom! I would hug you but I have a bowl in my hand" I nod and smile "It's fine sweetie" she smiles sits in front of the coffee table and turns on the tv while eating her cereal.

I walk downstairs "Judy time to go don't forget to put your bow-" she's already running up the stairs I laugh a little "Alright I'll put it inside" I pick up the bowl then the newspaper I walk to the kitchen but the bowl down and read it I tear up as I read "Ed and Lorraine Warren : hero's or hoax" Ed walks up behind me "What's wrong?" I show him the newspaper "Well your my hero" he kisses my temple "Come on we can bring Judy to school then get to the lecture room for today's class"


I walk out of the lecture room after class then someone grabs my arm and pulls me aside
"Selah what's wrong?" she looks at
me "Malia what's going on I know somethings up with you what happened?" I look at the floor "That doll" she goes pale "Has it moved again" I nod she sighs "That's uncool ok how about me and you can go get milkshakes and get your mind off of it?" I nod quickly she smiles "Alright let's go" we walk off campus and walk to the diner and order our milkshakes "Why was Leah not at class today?" Selah sips her milkshake "She didn't feel too good this morning but she better be feeling better tomorrow" I tilt my head slightly "What's tomorrow?" Selah gets excited "A Queen concert and guess what?" I smile "What?" she smiles brightly "I got tickets for all of us Me, you, Leah, Bella, Olivia, Audrey and Julia" my jaw drops "Selah oh my god I literally love you i've been trying to get tickets for so long!" she laughs and smiles. We pay for the milkshakes and leave to start walking to back to campus and walk by the store Biba I look in the window at the clothes they're so
pretty I'll go in tomorrow after class we walk into campus and go to try find the girls "Where are they?" Selah shrugs and we keep looking for them "Maybe the library?" I nod "Good idea" we walk into the library and they are sitting down reading? That's not something they'd do we walk over to them and sit down "Hi!" Olivia smiles "Hi Malia hi Selah!" I sit down "reading!" Bella nods "Mr and Mrs Warrens books" I smile "Oh!" Selah smiles "I have a surprise for you all" I smile knowing what it is Bella tilts her head "What's is it" Selah pulls out 7 tickets and puts them on the table Olivia gasps "Queen tickets?!" Selah and I nod quickly they all get really excited "Alright calm down we have to go check on Leah" everyone nods and we walk to her dorm.

We knock on her door and walk in and go
to her room "Shes asleep" I look at them all Olivia smirks "I bet she's dreaming about Mr. Warren" Bella breaks out laughing and Leah jumps up out of her sleep "what are you all doing here?" her voice is very raspy "Dreaming about Mr. Warren?" Olivia smirks, Leah rolls her eyes and falls back onto the pillow "How come you're all here?" Selah smiles "To give you your Queen ticket" she says "I better be a lot better tomorrow than I am today" Julia nods "It would be not cool is you are still sick tomorrow" She looks at her "I know I know" Audrey smiles "We all should go
now and let you rest" We all nod she rubs her eyes "Ok I'll see you guys at the lecture tomorrow" I smile "Alright let's
go girls" we wave to Leah and leave walking our opposite ways to our dorms.

I walk into my dorm and clean up and it's a deep clean it ends up taking a long time and by the time I'm done it's 7:00pm "Ugh! That was a lot!" I fall onto the couch then sigh "I'm going to bed early I'm so tired" I drag myself off the couch up to my room put on my pjs and get into bed and I start reading. After 5 minutes I start dosing off then completely knock out.


The only way out जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें