12. Lost Child

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 - Miles Cohen - 

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 - Miles Cohen - 

This is the exact reason as to why you should not be a college student athlete, looking after a child. I had brought Ellery to many of my classes, for about two weeks now, and because the one class I had was a practical, she could not take part in it. If I fucked it up, I would have lost 50% worth of my end of year grade. 

So, a smart decision was to give her to one of the boys, that had a class where she could just sit and color. But somehow, she had gone missing, and that made my heart race. She was a little girl, she could get in the wrong hands, or worse, get lost. 

I had searched all over campus, through every building and room that I thought she could get her way into. She was a little girl, she surely couldn't of left campus, knowing she would have no idea where she was. I was sure she had anxiety, as she hated being away from me, and was always quiet in new places with many new people. This was why I wanted to avoid this situation at all costs. 

I just prayed to god that she was still on campus. "How the fuck did this happen?!" Mackie expressed, as he grabbed the strands of his hair. I was beyond stressed. I hadn't even bothered to turn up to my classes after I found out she was lost. 

I think this was a sign that I just didn't have the time for Ellery. She should stay with until I had graduated college. After that, I could find her, and put her under my name, while me move into a small house, in a small town, wherever I get drafted. 

But none of that mattered. Because, none of that could happen unless I found the little girl that I could not go a day without thinking about her. She had brought my grades up, weirdly enough, as I had stopped partying, and started focusing more on my timetable. 

Coach had been impressed with my progress, even though I would get distracted by her from time to time. But I was father, and I felt that if she wasn't constantly clogging my mind, then I felt like I wasn't doing what was right for Ellery; what was best for her. 

From the conclusions I had drawn about the life she lived, I knew I had to try really hard to be anything but that. I had watched her scars become less irritable for her, while some of the bruises were starting to fade. Her ribs weren't poking out anymore, and she wasn't sleeping as much as used to when she came here, two weeks ago. 

I had seen her confidence grow around the boys, rather having to pry her away from them just so I could spend time with her. But now, all I wanted to do was hold her in my arms, and never let go. I wished this had never happened in the first place. 

"She has to be here somewhere" I heard Nolan mutter, but I had my head in my hands, not knowing what to do. I hadn't had a clue what to do, having a child too look after, and I had somehow figured it all out to this point. She had been by my side for almost every part of every day. 

But today. She was somewhere, and I had no idea. I felt someone sit down next to me, as footsteps moved away from me. "Miles" Carter huffed in annoyance. My thoughts were spiraling. "We will find her. She couldn't of gone far" but that was exactly what she had done. 

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