You do his makeup

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"Absolutely not." 



"Oh, but it'll be so fun! You'll look exquisite!" 

"I won't look anything, because I said no.

"You're just being a stuck-up ninny! What, are you too good for make-up?" 

"I know what you're trying to do, and I can inform you that it's not going to work." 

You couldn't think of a retort to that, so you started whimpering. Sad sounds of disappointment and longing paired with puppy dog eyes. It quite possibly would've worked if you had any other partner other than the Earl of Phantomhive—bastard wasn't even looking at you. 

"Ok, fine. You're a businessman. Let's do business. What would it take for you to allow me to give you a makeover?" You haggled. 

"Nothing," He replied absent-mindedly. 

"Nothing? Oh come on, Lord Phantomhive, there must be something you'd be willing to exchange." 

"Nothing I'd want from you." That hurt a tad more than it should've. 

"I'll do your paperwork for a week." 

"No thank you." 

"I'll handle all business and social communications for your company." 

"And mess it up," 

"...There's a party next Saturday. I'll give a convincing excuse as to why you can't come. Your social status won't plummet, and neither will your social battery." You were proud of yourself for that one. 

"I could get Sebastian to do that for me." 

"Ok, then how about I instead tell everybody that Sebastian lied, and you just didn't want to come because you hate everyone there?" A little vindictive, maybe you should reign yourself in...  

Oh, but now you got his attention- 

He was glaring, but still his attention! 

"Ok, fine, I won't do that, but please! It feels like we rarely spend time together anymore, and I know it's a little girly, but I think it could be so fun!" You whined, "Besides, most of our little dates are tailored to what you enjoy because you're so picky. We rarely do anything along my tastes." You didn't intend to get guilt-trippy toward the end; you were just talking, no thought for what would exit your mouth next. 

Ciel sighed, and you lifted your sad doe eyes that you weren't faking anymore. "If it means that much to you... fine." He spoke begrudgingly. Before your eyes could light up too much, he set boundaries, "But no one's to know of it! I mean it. If Finny or Bard find out, I'll go mad. And none of your weird, painful, torture devices or whatever they're called." 

Your mouth went agape, and he could actually see your eyes sparkle. "Oh really?! Thank you so much, Ciel! I'll do amazing, I swear! You'll look so wonderful-" 

"That's not reassuring." 

"I- Alright, I'll be quiet! Just know, you won't regret it!" 

Ciel's make-up was coming along swimmingly~ 

...Or as swimmingly as you could. You've never really done makeup before; that was part of the maid's job. But it was fun, and that's what you were hoping for! 

"Alright, now close your eyes..." You mumbled, applying more eye shadow to his lid. 


"Try sucking in your cheeks more? So that I can get your bone structure better,"

"You're sounding like a serial killer."

"Now rub your lips together—like this!"



"Ciel, your lip-gloss looks so good! I think you should share. Do you think the color would look good on me?" 

"I suppose? I don't know what color I even hav-" 

You kissed him before he could finish. Smart as hell for an Earl, but he couldn't understand flirting for the life of him. 

Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji Boyfriend Scenarios (Ciel only)Where stories live. Discover now