Modern AU

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"3rd block... almost halfway through," Ciel thought. He was bored with school now. He just wanted to go home. As much as he tried to pay attention to the lecture, Mr. Michaelis's voice kept fading in and out for him. He looked around the room dully. Nobody of importance. He looked to his left and saw a slightly older boy with blond hair and red barrettes. That was one of your friends, wasn't it? The boy seemed oddly excited while listening to the lecture. 

He tried to tune back into the teacher's words when his phone vibrated in his pocket. Part of him wanted to check it, but the other part wanted to be a good student and not get distracted. 

But it could have been important? 

And then it buzzed again, and then again a few seconds later, and then it just continued to vibrate on and off. 

Nevermind, it was just you. 

Ciel gave an exasperated sigh. Did you ever pay attention during class? Ironically, it was your constant buzzing that gave Ciel the energy to finally focus on Mr. Michaelis again. 

Still, Ciel's light annoyance quickly grew to mild irritation as you continued to text him throughout the entire period. Despite the fact that he never considered to turn off his phone, he did consider throwing it out the window. What? He could buy another one. 

The class finally came to an end, and the school bell rang. Your texts had stopped for a few minutes, and Ciel assumed it was because you were packing up to go to your next class. In fact, he was about to pack up himself until he remembered that he had Mr. Michalis for 4th period too. 

Instead of catching up on the ungodly number of texts you sent, Ciel opted for pulling out his algebra notebook and preparing for class to start. 

"Hi, Ciel! How are you doing? You never answered any of my texts!" You greeted. Oh, that's right, you were in this period too. 

"I didn't reply because I was in the middle of class. You should pay more attention in your own, you know?" He replied, staring at his notebook and writing in today's date. 

"Ugh, it was boring! I had Mr. Spears, and you know how he goes on and on and on in that monotone voice." You groaned, "Besides, I can just copy someone else's notes after school, and I'll be set!" 

Ciel hummed in response, still refusing to make eye contact as he wrote different titles and page numbers into his notebook's table of contents. Always the organized one. The bell rung again signifying that class would start, and you were shooed away to your seat. 

Mr. Michaelis began to teach right away, and despite having more intonation and life than Mr. Spears did, you still found yourself bored and zoning out. Your friend Mey-Rin was to your right, but you knew she was struggling in this class and needed all the focus she could get. Ciel was sitting directly in front of you, but Mr. Michaelis was probably more likely to catch you on your phone than Mr. Spears was. 

You began to look around the classroom, mindlessly tapping your mechanical pencil against your opened notebook. You almost pulled out your phone to go on social media since you couldn't text Ciel, but then you remembered why the latter wasn't an option in the first place. 

Ugh! How did kids back in the day ever survive?! At this rate, you might actually die of boredom. Your tapping increased subconsciously, and it wasn't until your pencil lead broke that you finally looked down. 

Haha, it was kinda funny, the pencil dots made an abstract looking heart in the middle. Or maybe that was your own mind trying to entertain itself. That's it! How could you be so blind! Not paying attention during school was a practice as old as time! If you didn't have your phone, you could always pass notes~ 

You began to quietly rip out the next page of paper before tearing it in half. Ciel was right in front of you, so it should be easy to pass. 

Ciel wouldn't respond much to you tapping his shoulder, he learned to ignore you fairly well, so you chose to toss it over his shoulder so that it landed on his desk. 

You watched diligently with expectant eyes as you saw Ciel carefully unfold it: "How are you <3" 

Ciel grimaced before crumpling up the paper into a ball and throwing it to the side. You frowned, but nonetheless, wrote out another note. This time, when you flicked it over to him, he didn't bother to unfold it, simply crumpling it up and throwing it to the side, making sure you saw as he did. Third time's the charm? 

Well, at least this time he didn't throw it, he just shoved it to the other side of the desk and out of his way—unfolded. Ehh, oh well, this was still kind of fun, so you were going to keep doing it. 

You were so concentrated on your notes and Ciel's reaction that you failed to notice Mr. Michaelis approaching you. Just as you were about to subtly toss the 6th note to Ciel's desk, "(Y/N), if you could kindly pay attention during the lesson, I would be much obliged." 

You nearly fell over in your chair with how startled you were. Might need to pay more attention to your surroundings... 

"Right! Sorry, Mr. Michalis," You apologized just as he took the note from your hand and unfolded it (one step further than your boyfriend-). Your face quickly grew red; you weren't expecting him to grab it. You assumed he was planning on reading it to the class, but he must have skimmed over it first and decided against it. 

"Wonderful, I'm glad you understand. Now, there's only 15 minutes remaining in my class, so if you two lovebirds could kindly concentrate for the rest of it..." Mr. Michalis trailed off, walking away, a glance to Ciel in the process. 

You could practically feel the heat radiating off of Ciel's body from where you were: embarrassment or anger, you weren't sure which. 

You stayed on your best behavior for those remaining 15 minutes, and once the bell rang, you met Ciel at his locker. "Hey! It's finally lunch, I feel like I've been waiting forever." He remained silent as he continued to mess around with his locker, "What do you think's on the menu today? I hope it's not that slop they tried to feed us last week," You continued. Ciel noticeably cringed as soon as you mentioned last week's horrendous fiasco. Not that Ciel had to deal with it anyway. As soon as he saw that menu, he ordered a pizza and had it delivered to the school. 

"If they ever tried to serve that again, I might actually sue," He commented. He continued to stuff items into his locker and to grab new materials to prepare for his classes after lunch. 

"No one would blame you. Anyway, we should probably get to lunch before the line clogs up. You know, in case we want to eat before the period ends," You prompted, and Ciel closed his locker in agreement. "So, where do you want to sit for lunch?" 

"I don't care," He answered curtly, staring ahead as he walked. Wow, you must have really annoyed him today for him to be that apathetic about where he sits. He's usually more of a diva about it. 

You continued your walk to lunch and instinctively intertwined your hand with his like you always did. Despite still holding that aura of annoyance, he didn't resist. He never looked at you, or smiled, or any other lovey-dovey reaction when you held his hand. It was that same stoic face of indifference. But he held yours back, and somehow—coming from the ice king of the school—that made your heart skip a beat all the same. 

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