Chapter 23

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Charlie was wrapped in a blanket and sat in the police station lobby. She had given her statement and Robert had been called. They made promises to be on the next flight to Utah. "Guess you hadn't thought you'd be here," a voice said.

A young woman, probably in her early twenties, was standing next to the chair Charlie sat in. Charlie shrugged, "not in Utah." Was her reply. The woman laughed.

"I'm Payton Anderson. I work with the psychology part of the department," she introduced herself.

"Charlie Frendsen. Former detective and recent abduction victim." She wanted the comment to be seen as a joke, she still felt nervous about everything that had happened.

"Really?" Payton sat next to Charlie. "What made you quit the police force?"

"I had some personal experiences that made it so I couldn't handle going back," Charlie replied.

"And was it this abduction?" She asked.

"No, strangely enough, it was my twin. We were both kindapped by the same person. My ex." Payton gasped, "He thought she was me, so he took her."

"Wow," Payton leaned against the seat. "That is definitely crazy. Where are you from? I assume not around here." She motioned to Charlie's skirt and short sleeves to the cloudy overcast sky outside.

"I'm from Texas," Charlie replied. "I hadn't planned for Utah weather." They both laughed.

"Do you have someone coming to pick you up?" Payton asked.

"Yes, my uncle and hopefully my boyfriend." Charlie replied. She hadn't been focused on Finn at the time, but she had wished she had called Finn before the officer left her. She just hoped Robert would bring Finn along. She wanted to be safe in his arms.

"Have you gotten checked out at the hospital?" Payton asked.

"No. I was checked out in an ambulance. The only problem was that he drugged me. Luckily, it had all left my system and there shouldn't be any future problems." Charlie replied. She had wanted to get Brody behind bars as soon as possible. She didn't want to give him the chance to escape while she was getting checked up on.

"Thats good," Payton said.

The two continued to talk for a while until the doors open. Charlie stood as she saw Finn rushing towards her. He wrapped her up into his arms and Charlie held on for dear life. She didn't want to ever let go. Finn placed kiss upon kiss on her head.

"I thought I'd never see you again," Finn said, "I didn't know what happened to you." Charlie pulled back, only enough to place a kiss on his lips.

"I'm here and I'm alright." Charlie knew she was lucky to get out of the situation unscathed. She was thankful for it as well.

"Glad to see you're okay." Charlie turned as Robert, Mace and Don. They all embraced Charlie and Charlie happily returned the embrace. She felt herself tear up at the sight of her family. She felt safe.

"What happened?" Robert asked. Charlie qucikyl relayed the details of the night to each of them, as they all listened. Finn had pulled her back into his arms during the explanation, though Charlie had no objections.

"I can't believe he thought Courtney was you," Mace said. "That's crazy."

"The good news is, he will go away for a long time." Robert said. "He will be prosecuted by the state of Texas for two accounts of abduction."

Charlie nodded. She was glad everything had ended alright. She wanted to go home now, back to Texas and back to her home. "Let's go home," Finn said, as if reading her thoughts. Payton waved goodbye as Charlie left.

"We will catch a flight home. Hopefully we can get home before its too dark." Robert said. It was well past noon and Charlie knew theirs would be a late arrival back home. She didn't mind though. She felt safe and she was with her family. That was enough for her right now.

The End

It's over😭😭

Please let me know what you guys think and if you want bonus chapters. I will be starting a new book soon and I would love it if you guys checked it out.


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