Chapter 21

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Charlie hated it. She was constantly on edge as she had been for the past week. There hadn't been anymore notes or flowers. It seemed to have quieted down. Finn was still on edge as was the rest of her family. She still had a police escort to and from work. Charlie knew they were getting no where. They had no evidence.

The security camera footage had only showed multiple hooded figures leaving the places the photos were taken. They couldn't seem to get anything off of it except the height of her stalker. It wasn't helping. The stalker hadn't used a car or anything that could give them any clue. They were smart.

Charlie entered her house after work. Her feet ached and she could feel a headache beginning to form. Charlie sighed and dropped her bag onto the floor. She slipped her shoes off before making her way towards the living room. Finn would be home in a couple minutes.

Charlie slumped onto the sofa and slouched against the back. She rested her feet on the coffee table and just breathed for a moment. A few moments later, Finn entered the house.

"Charlie?" He called out.

"In here," she called back, not wanting to move. Finn entered the living room in the next moment. He took a seat next to Charlie and kissed her forehead.

"How was work?" He asked.

"Uneventful." Was her dry reply. "How about you?"

"Good, just got a new case." Finn said. He wrapped his arms around Charlie and held her close. Charlie leaned against him and sighed. They sat like that for a moment, just holding onto each other. "Why don't I get dinner started?" Finn asked.

"I can do it. I picked something up from the grocery store on the way back." Although Charlie still received a police escort to and from work, it had lightened to where Charlie was allowed to drive her own car to work. "I just forgot them in my car. I'll go get them then make you a great dinner." Charlie pushed herself from Finn's warm embrace. She made her way back to the door, opting out for her slip-ons.

Opening the door, she stepped out into the chilly weather. The nights had gotten cooler, although they didn't require a jacket quite yet. Charlie opened her trunk before reaching for the few bags she had.

"Charlie." Charlie's head whipped in the direction of the sound. Brody walked up the driveway towards her. What was he doing back? She wondered.

"Hey Brody," she greeted. "What are you doing back in Texas?"

"I just wanted to come see you one last time. I know you've moved on, I just wanted to one more time." He explained. Charlie raised her eyebrows at the rushed words. Suddenly, Brody embraced her. Charlie stood frozen. She was taken by surprise by the hug.

Brody pulled back and Charlie felt a prick in her arm. She brushed it off. "When do you leave back to California?" She asked. Her eyes began to droop and she felt unsteady on her feet. Black dots danced in front of her eyes.

"As soon as the drug takes it course," Brody said. Charlie felt as though her mind was moving through mud. Everything seemed to pass right over her head.

"Drug?" She asked, her speech slightly slurred. She stumbled forwards, dropping the bags. Brody caught her and lifted her into his arms. He carried her towards his still running car.

Charlie's fogged mind was taking everything in too slowly. Charlie tried to push away from Brody, but her limbs felt like lead and they wouldn't move. Brody pushed Charlie into his backseat, "just sleep, Charlie. When you wake up, we will be home and we can live happily ever after." He shut the door and locked it. Charlie felt her eyes droop even more.

She was struggling to stay awake. "Finn," She called out in her dazed state. Even through the fog, she could tell she was in danger. Her limps still felt like lead and she couldn't seem to move. She slowly blinked until she didn't have the energy to open her eyes. She could feel the car move forwards and Charlie's heavy body rested against the back of the seat. Too tired to do anything, she allowed her tired body to sleep.

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