Chapter 6: Lan Zhan

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Lan Zhan's POV

Location: Earth. 69th Dimension.

Walking out, I found Kamloon waiting for me. Somehow, I already knew he would. The creature seemed ecstatic. I wasn't aware it was capable of such complex displays of emotions.

"Light-bearer, I hope you have taken care of what you needed to." He slithered next to me.

I nodded. "Mn."

"That's good to hear." It slithered closer, "I will now explain what is expected of you if you want to win back your lover's life. Are you ready?" It asked, getting straight to the matter at hand.


He swayed like he had drunk ale not long ago and spoke cryptically, "I didn't warn you earlier. I wouldn't repeat that mistake again."


A low, menacing laugh almost made it lose its form. "I wonder how the Grandmaster used to put up with you. You are strong and resilient, Light-bearer, but interesting you are not."

"Don't mention him. You are not worthy." I snapped.

A sinister smirk settled on its mouth, "You let him die, Second Jade of Lan. If anyone, it is you who is unworthy, don't you think?"

It was right. I had failed Wei Ying. I never deserved him. He died because of me.

"Do not fret, Light-bearer. You can undo your mistake." Saying so, it stopped dead in its tracks and turned to face me. "As I was saying, I will transport you to where you will meet your opponent. You will be discomforted for a few moments. Ignore it, for it is a mere side-effect of having a golden core. Your primordial body is vibrating with energy; it will take a little time for your body to accept its new surroundings."

"Mn," I replied and readied myself by taking a deep breath and letting it circulate throughout my body. I had had enough of the stench that would surround me soon.

The creature clicked his tongue once, engulfing us in thick green flames. I was confident that it wouldn't be able to touch me, but I was wrong. Even though I had stopped taking air in my lungs, the smoke accompanying the flames found its way into my core. Holding back tears that threatened to escape my eyes, at bay, I waited for the torture to stop.

Just before my body was about to shut down, the flames disappeared. My core was free once again. But there was something different. I felt eyes on me, but my senses assured me that I was alone, barring Kamloon, who was beaming like he had been granted his heart's desire.

When my eyes adjusted to the dark, I was at a place I had vowed never to return to Evernight. I had lost Wei Ying here years ago after he was wrongfully accused of using demonic cultivation to harm innocent people, and aggrieved, he had jumped off the very cliff I was standing on now.

"Light-bearer, you know this place, I presume?" Kamloon asked, its tone suggesting it knew what had transpired here seventeen years ago.

"Mn." I suppressed the ill feeling taking over my senses. "Why here?" I demanded.

It searched my eyes. "I need you to prove that you can take orders without asking questions."

I replied with an "Mn." after a moment's silence.

The creature clicked its tongue approvingly and thus began a waiting period. Approximately ten rabbit heartbeats later, a mirror made itself known. It floated midair, a few meters off the edge of the mountain.

I walked to the edge and peered down. The valley below was known to be cursed. Any soul who wandered there came out tainted forever. It didn't scare me anymore; nothing did now that I didn't have Wei Ying, the one I had vowed to protect and failed.

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