Chapter 1: Wei WuXian

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Wei WuXian's POV

Location:- Earth. 96th Dimension

I hate the sun. I hate it with all my heart...can't believe there was a time I felt otherwise. Glancing to my left, I caressed the smooth sheets before turning over and bumping the edge of the rock-hard pillow with the tip of my nose, "I miss you."

The words sounded shallow and alien on my tongue like I hadn't said them in forever...I had. Every day since he had fallen into a coma, I had. It didn't matter. Wang couldn't hear me. Even if he could, why would he?

He didn't deserve it; I did.

I pulled the pillow-we had fought over whether or not to throw it out countless times- and held it close till my lungs hurt and I couldn't anymore. I was not going to be able to hold on to him anymore.

Leaving the bed, I closed the blinds as best I could, but it was not enough; a few stubborn rays sneaked inside, mocking me. Unable to bear the sight, I turned away.

A few hours later, after delaying the unavoidable visit as much as possible, I found myself standing in the reception area of Hope Hospital.

"Hope!?" I snorted condescendingly before making my way toward the elevator. Today would be the last time I walked these halls. I glanced at the receptionist, and she smiled at me knowingly. Of course, she knew why I was there; she knew him.

The further I walked into the building, the quieter it got. I felt eyes, multiple pairs of eyes, on me. Some loathed me, while others pitied me. I didn't stop to look at them; if anything, I dropped my head as far down as possible without making me draw more attention to myself.

I can't believe I thrived on attention once upon a time. It disgusts me now.

'Wei WuXian, given a chance, you would even flirt with a rock, won't you?' An interviewer had asked me years ago, to which I had nodded proudly and proceeded to flirt with her.

I loved being right. I despised that part of me now. If I had listened to Ah-Wang then, I wouldn't be waking up alone in bed now. 

Lan Wangji, why did you do it? Why didn't you let me die, Dr. Wang? It should have been me!

Stopping a few inches away from the mouth of the elevator, I finally raised my head, and ignoring the stiffness in my neck, I looked around, hoping no one was trying to approach me.

Condolences, I have had enough of them. I started receiving them two days ago.

Two days ago!

'He is not dead yet, people!' I wanted to shout at the top of my lungs... I wanted to scream till my voice was lost.

'Xian, don't strain them. You have a concert tonight.'

'Sometimes I feel you love my voice more than you love me. Tell me, Dr. Wang, would you have gone out with me if I sounded like a crow?'

'It's your heart that I love, Wei WuXian. As long as your heart beats, even if you sound like a crow, I will continue to love you.'


'I never lie, Ah-Xian.'

"Excuse me, son, are you getting in?" A female voice called, softly tapping my shoulder.

I had missed the elevator chime to announce its arrival. This was the fourth time I had done it this week. I apologized and walked into the metal box. I used to hate riding it. Claustrophobia was a bitch. But nowadays, the minute or two (depending on traffic) I spent here was the only time I felt at peace, but a man had to make do with what he was handed.

I closed my eyes, my go-to tactic for discouraging those who might try to talk to me, and hoped it worked. It had gotten increasingly more awkward to ride with people, some known and some not since Wang's brother had decided it was time to let him go. Counting seconds till I had to deboard, I left a breath I didn't know I was holding.

That's when it happened.

A baritone voice cut through the rare, much-needed silence in the elevator, "So, I bet you are wondering why I have gathered you here." Before my mind could come to terms with what was happening, he hit the emergency stop button.

A tall, muscly youngster snapped and stepped toward the guy who had stopped the elevator,  looking refined in a beige Gucci suit. "The fuck you doing, man? Some of us have urgent matters to attend to-"

"And some of us would rather have never made the trip," The man whose voice sounded like fake silk had some seriously gorgeous dimples I had ever seen. They deepened as a secret smile etched across his face, and calculating eyes zeroed in on me. "Wei WuXian,"

The others watched, but Muscles interrupted. "Hey man," he took another step towards the former, who kept his eyes locked with mine and snapped his fingers.

The hand approaching Dimples turned to dust along with the rest of him, and a moment after, the elderly lady standing next to me lost consciousness.

The rest stared at Dimples, their expressions a cocktail of disbelief and fear, while he took care of the dusty remains of Muscles off of his expensive suit with an equally elegantly embroidered hanky. A hanky, how old school. My Wang was that way too.

Satisfied with his handiwork, he looked at us individually before resuming calmly, "Manners are everything, don't you think so? Muscles," He pointed at the man's remains, "clearly saw that we were talking and yet unwisely interrupted. Tsk. Tsk." His deep, dark eyes lowered before they came to rest on me again, "I am sorry, where were we?" he cocked his head innocently before chuckling, "Oh right, we didn't start, did we?"

An idea hit me square in the jaw at that precise moment, and I flashed him dimples of my own, "I don't give a fuck about you starting or not starting. We all have business-"

A young girl on my other side poked me in the ribs, "Shut up, or you will get us all killed." She whispered urgently.

Another snap. Another pile of ashes.

That made me shut my trap immediately. I decided to hear the obviously dangerous man out, lest I lead to another death. The count had gone up to two now, three, if I were to count Muscles.

Why don't I die already!?

"Wei WuXian, do you really want to die? Is that your deepest desire?" Dimples asked sincerely. His lower lip jutted out a smidgen, and his brows crawled closer.

Is he going for a lost puppy look!?

"No. What I really want is for my boyfriend to wake up and for us to live happily ever after." It was the first time I had spoken it out in front of others. Ours was a secret engagement. For the world, Dr. Lan Wangji, my boyfriend, the love of my life, was my in-house physician. "

"But since that's not possible-"

"What if I told you it's possible?" Dimples threw a Cheshire cat-like grin my way.

I knew what he was offering was impossible, but I continued to listen.

Chapter Word Count: 1226
Word Count so far: 3270

Prompt 56 made an appearance in this chapter!

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