Chapter 44: Oblivion.

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"What do I do now?" Jungkook whispered to himself looking around the club he had entered a few moments ago. And might someone ask him which club he was in, then he himself has no clue.

He just entered any club.

Looking around the crowd of people he felt slight anxiety rising, his hand went upwards towards his neck to hold his necklace, a habit he had obtained everytime he feels anxious, but he bit his tongue when he realised he had removed his necklace too.

Well why won't he?

His boyfriend was being an ass and he needed to be taught a lesson, even if it would be Jungkook himself who would be ending up getting punished.

"Kook?" A sudden annoyingly familiar voice made him turn around from where he was standing in front of the drink counter doing absolutely nothing.

And of course it was none other than Yugyeom.

Jungkook immediately took two steps back when he saw Yugyeom approaching, now he was feeling insecure himself because of his clothes. He hugged his waist with his hands to try to hide his skin.

But he could still feel all the gazes on his waist from behind and from the people around him,
"It's been so long." And suddenly Yugyeom was walking towards him for a hug.

No, hell no.

He immediately extended his hand to stop the hug, Yugyeom's smile turned into a frown but he still shook Jungkook's hand.

Jungkook immediately pulled his hand back in a second and breathed a sigh of relief but still didn't say a word. He was feeling suffocated in the club, but he knew he had to wait.

Wait for him.

Jungkook ignored Yugyeom when he started talking something about his hospital and stuff, he just simply pulled out his phone to check something.

Suddenly his body that was leaning on the counter stood straight at what he saw in his phone, he looked around the club with wide eyes but saw no one familiar.

But he knew, he was close.

Jungkook immediately turned to Yugyeom who was surprised by his sudden actions but nevertheless kept talking.

This time Jungkook too started replying back to him and he realised the more he talked to Yugyeom the more the guy came closer to him.

Out of nowhere Jungkook didn't realise what happened, he had the urge so he looked over Yugyeom's shoulder only to get frozen dead on his spot.

And you know when things start getting bad, they just keep getting worse.

A sudden touch on his warm skin from behind his waist made his wide eyes look down to realise, Mr. Yugyeom had very smoothly slipped a hand towards the back of his waist and was now smirking at him for god knows what reason.

Okay now Jungkook wanted to cry, no this was not what he thought was going to happen when he arrives.

Definitely not.

He had no courage to look up in that direction again, nope he knows he's gone so he just gives up. And just when he gives up, Yugyeom becomes more enthusiastic and slides his other hand towards Jungkook's waist too to pull him closer.

Jungkook made a crying face and looked up at the guy who obviously wanted to die.

Jungkook looked at his face, trying to figure out what made the guy suicidal?

He looks young, he has a good job, then why?

The second the touch became tight and uncomfortable, it was gone in a snap. Pulled away. Taken away. Or should we say thrown away?

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