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Was also thinking about maybe a kid OC Bad Batch fic. I'm a sucker for family dynamics (I have four siblings myself) and I think it would be so freaking cute. IDK IM SO CONFLICTED:() I don't know what to write lmfao. What do y'all want to see? Any requests/suggestions?

Alona had never felt so relieved to see the Marauder before. It didn't matter that all of their belongings had been ripped out and thrown onto the ground, it didn't matter that the hyperdrive had been removed and tossed to the side. They had finally found their ship, their home. And she was just about to cry over it.

    "Well, there's your ship. I held up my end of the bargain, so I'll be off." Benni chirps, starting to turn away but is stopped by Tech.

    "Hang on. The hyperdrive has been removed." Tech raised an eyebrow, a soft glare being sent in the boy's direction.

    Benni shrugged. "You didn't ask me what condition it'd be in. How's that my fault?" Wrecker shoved him and growled, making Benni flinch again. "Relax. It's not a complicated fix."

    Alona nodded. "He's right. Even I know how to reattach a hyperdrive."

    "Grab the hyperdrive. Let's make this a quick fix." Hunter says tiredly. Wrecker grabs the large piece and carries it over to Tech.

    "What about the ray shield?" Omega asked, still standing beside Benni. "We still need to shut it down." She reminded.

    Benni crossed his arms over his chest. "You can only do that from the central tower."

    Hunter turned around to face him. "Let's go."

    But the thief shook his head. "No way. You stick out too much. If you don't trust me to go alone, she'll blend in easily enough." He replied, gesturing to Omega. She didn't seem entirely opposed to it.

    Hunter scanned Omega's face. "Hmm. Well, don't let him out of your sight."

    Tech walked over and handed Omega a small device. "Transfer the data onto this, and I can access the shield remotely." He explained. The two kids quickly ran off to do their job. Tech then turned to Alona and handed her a flashlight.

He didn't even need to say a word for her to know what her job was.

    The adults quickly got to work. Hunter started reloading the Marauder with all their stuff, Wrecker and Tech worked on repairing the hyperdrive, and Alona held the flashlight for them.

    It was actually a fairly stressful job when you were holding it for Tech. One slight movement would earn you a scolding. His directions were confusing.

"No, left." Tech sighed.

    Alona's eyes widen and she lets out a stressed sound. "This is left!"

    "No, my left." Tech explained, grabbing Alona's wrist and redirecting the flashlight to her right. "Sorry." He apologized, quickly getting back to work.

Wrecker laughed at Alona's exasperated expression.

    Twenty minutes pass and Tech has kicked Alona and Wrecker away from his workspace. The strength-enhanced clone went to work on some other repairs and Alona sat on the steps of the Marauder, trying to fight away the nausea that had slowly started to well up.

    "The motivator is installed, but I still have to connect the primaries to the guidance system and adjust the navicomputer." Tech chimed.

    "The weapons system's online." Wrecker added, having finished up his repair.

    Hunter shook his head. "We're not engaging. The situation for these kids is bad enough." He walked over to Alona and started rubbing up and down her back gently, sensing her discomfort.

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