11.Tis The Will Of The Force

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Happy New Year:) Bad Batch season 2 comes out in two days!!!

    Hunter wouldn't stay away from Alona. Usually she wouldn't mind, she would actually enjoy his presence. But the hovering was driving her nuts. Every time she would move he would put himself between her and Wrecker. He would rather it be him than her.

Tech and Omega were working on the chip scanning device. Tech was even going through each step, teaching Omega about everything he could.

"He's not going to snap just yet. I have a feeling, Hunter. I'm safe. Omega is safe." Alona whispered to Hunter. She had gotten fed up with the overprotective side of him. She could take care of herself.

Hunter sighed. "You're right. I just..." He trailed off, shaking his head. But he did take a few steps away from her...for the time being.

Wrecker was sitting in one of the seats, tapping his foot and bent over with his head in his hands. He was working through another headache. "I-I don't like this plan." He blurted, standing up to start pacing.

Hunter placed a hand on Wrecker's shoulder. "We agreed to meet Rex on Bracca. That's what we're doing." He declared.

"He wants to cut open my head." Wrecker whined, sitting back down in his seat. He started tapping his foot again.

Tech stopped working. "All of our heads actually." He corrected.

Alona scoffed. "I'm sure that's very comforting, Tech." She teased, placing her hand on the part of Wrecker's head that was hurting. She tried to heal the pain, but with the slowly malfunctioning chip being the problem, using the Force on him wouldn't do any good.

"Not my head. I don't have an inhibitor chip." Omega chimes in, handing Tech the next tool he needed for the chip scanner.

Wrecker stuck out his bottom lip. "Why not? Now, that's not fair." He whined, crossing his arms like a big baby.

Alona grinned. "Don't worry, Wrecker. I'll cut open my head in solidarity for you." She joked. Wrecker gave her a look.

"How's the chip scanner coming?" Hunter asked, kneeling down to be level with Tech and Omega. They were using Gonky as a table to build the scanner.

Tech held up the invention. "Since Rex's chip was removed, I am able to establish a baseline by comparing his brain scan to ours. Allowing for the detection of any cellular anomaly." He explained, walking off to go find another part for the scanner.

All of the adults stared at him blankly.

Omega smiled. "He means "It's almost finished."" She explained.

Alona thought back to the day she met the Batch. She remembers specifically telling Crosshair to remind her to carry a dictionary when having to work with Tech. He never did remind her, but he did take the time, like Omega just did, to explain to Alona in simple words what he meant.

"Do we really have to do this?" Wrecker asked, his voice growing more nervous the longer they traveled through hyperspace.

Hunter nodded. "If Rex is sure, we need to trust him. We need to keep Alona safe." They're all she has left.

The Marauder exits out of hyperspace, a large, ugly planet coming into view. Alona cringes. "It even looks like garbage all the way in space."

It didn't get any better when they entered Bracca's atmosphere. It was an entire planet dedicated to trashed ships.

"What is this place?" Omega asked, obviously not too impressed either.

Hunter glanced down at her. "A starship graveyard." He explains.

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