Chapter 12 - Invisible

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I wish my superpower were to become invisible.

Because this would help me a lot to evade my family right now.

"Lily!" Jordan calls out again. "Noah?"

I am totally not ready to return to the awkwardness that will certainly be surrounding us once we go inside and encounter the rest of our brothers. Or those who are in the house. I have no idea how long Noah and I have been out here, but I assume that Ben hasn't come back yet with Josh. And Tom.

A shiver runs down my spine at the thought of my almost-brother-in-law.

I wish I wouldn't have to face him, like, ever again. Or at least not for a very long time.

What am I even going to say to him?

I know that once I see him, I can't just ignore him. This wouldn't go down well with Josh, and neither with anyone else. It would be considered rude. Also, I think I would feel a bit mean if I completely ignored Tom's presence and walked by him as if he were not there. I may be confused by his "new" job and I definitely feel betrayed, but treating people like dirt is not something I imagine myself doing. I am not that kind of person.

"Lily! Stop hiding and come inside already." Jordan sounds a bit upset now.

Upset, not impatient, which is kinda surprising. Considering his mood lately, I'd have assumed that he gets pissed off rather easily if I don't do as he says. Maybe the few hours in the car with Alex have helped him calm down a bit.

I miss rational and gentle Jordan.

"You ready to go inside?" I whisper to Noah, nudging him lightly.

"You go without me," he mutters.

"He's calling for both of us."

"I don't care. I'm staying here."

"I'll stay with you then."

"Please, don't."

Although there is no menace in Noah's voice, his words still strangely hurt me. I wonder if he simply tolerated my presence when actually he would have preferred to be left in peace from the start.

But after witnessing his break down – not to mention him puking his guts out! – it didn't feel right for me to abandon him. Jordan was very persistent yesterday and didn't leave me alone, either, even when I made it clear that I didn't want him there. In the end, it helped me a lot and I believe that it is the right thing for me to do with Noah, too.

"Noah! Lily! Come on, guys!"

"We really should go inside, Noah. It'll only be a minute or two until he finds us here," I try again.

"If you go, he'll leave me in peace. He doesn't know I'm out here with you," Noah argues, his voice sounding flat and emotionless.

I glance at my youngest brother and find him squinting up at the sky, the few remaining sun beams shining straight on his face. Even though he is not looking at me, I can tell that Noah is struggling. The dried tear tracks on his pale cheeks are just a small reminder of his breakdown earlier.

"Of course he does. I told Luke I was going to find you in the backyard."

"Well, maybe you just didn't find me."

"Noah," I sigh heavily, already feeling at my wit's end and we've not even been arguing for that long.

"Go, Lily."

"No-No, be real," I beg. "Do you really think they'll just leave you alone if I go inside without you? If I tell them that I didn't find you, they'll call the police, or something!"

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