Chapter 4 - No Coincidence

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I should have known that the plan to avoid my brothers is doomed before it even began.

I think it took Jordan less than ten minutes to find me.

I was lying really still and barely dared to take a breath as I listened to him and Luke call my name, like, a hundred times. Luckily, they didn't sound panicked or overly worried, otherwise I probably wouldn't have lasted even a few seconds.

From running away to Chicago and, only a few days ago, to Jayden's treehouse, I know that it is one of the worst things I can do to my family: disappear without letting anyone know where I am and that I am safe. I think I have learned that lesson now.

Judging by the exchanges between Luke and Jordan that I overheard while they were looking for me, it is obvious that neither of them thought that I had run away. They apparently know me well enough to guess that I am simply avoiding them.

So, I didn't feel bad for hiding from them. If I had my phone – which must still be in the car – I would have considered sending them a message, just to ease their minds. That might have helped them respect my need for privacy, because it irritates me that they didn't give up looking for me.

I wish they would just let me be until I am ready say hello. But maybe Jordan knows that they'd have to be very patient to wait it out. Also, he is the kind of person to tackle issues head on, not endlessly prolonging the inevitable.

I have no idea where Alex is. He has not called for me even once and I also didn't hear him talk to the others. If that conversation between him and Jordan I overheard is anything to go by, he must be actively avoiding me, too. Not that I blame him. We are on the same page here.

When the door to Sam's bedroom opens, I hold my breath and completely stop any movement. The latter is not exactly difficult in the tiny compartment I am curled up in.

"Lily?" Jordan calls out again.

It is surprisingly gentle, like he is anticipating to find me in here. I listen closely as he shuffles around the small room. The floor boards squeak suspiciously and I picture him kneeling down to check under the bed – another one of my favorite hiding spots from when I was little.

I still sometimes hide under beds, mainly when I am running from Aidan. My oldest brothers' bedrooms usually provide the necessary protection if I need to get away from my second youngest brother's irrational behavior. If Aidan is in a mood, there is no telling what he will do, so it is often better to hide until he has calmed down.

Things tend to be even easier to de-escalate if whatever brother the room belongs to is actually present when it happens. There's nothing safer and more comforting than hiding behind someone bigger when I am at the receiving end of Aidan's wrath. One – probably the only – advantage of being small.

"There you are," Jordan's voice startles me.

I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I haven't noticed him sliding the closet door open. Blinking a few times, I try to adjust my eyesight to the new brightness. He must have switched on the lights as he came in. My brother is sitting cross-legged in front of my make-shift cubby hole. From my awkward position, I can only see his jeans-clad legs with his big hands folded on top of them, and parts of his shirt.

Jordan seems to be wearing one of the t-shirts from his martial arts studio. The purple one. Despite the current situation, my heart jumps at the sight and a tiny smile plays on my lips when I remember how Tyler, his business partner, and I ordered that exact t-shirt for my brother. We were certain that he would refuse to ever wear it and Jordan did make some disapproving noises when we presented it to him. But then I used my most patented puppy-dog eyes on him and told him as sincerely as possible that this is my absolute favorite color – which is the truth – and he promised me that he would give it a try someday.

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