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©2023 by Praise Abraham

Victoria felt her heart thudding like a ping-pong ball as she stared up at the fancy hotel.

"I'm not a sinner. This is strictly professional," she muttered to herself.

"Daughter, it's not too late to turn back now," the calm voice of the Spirit whispered to her.
She hesitated and shook off the guilt gnawing at her.

"Please, don't ruin tonight for me. It's just a professional event that my boss asked me to accompany him to."

"He's been hitting on you since forever, Victoria. Remember, I placed you in that company not to be overwhelmed by the darkness there but to be a light, especially for Lakunle."

"I know God, and you also know I've been doing my best. It's just that wisdom is profitable to direct. This is a chance for me to be promoted to the highest level if I'm able to pitch to and nail top clients."

"Hmmm, I see... What are you wearing, Victoria?"

She cringed as she looked down at the dress she was wearing. It was a too-fitting, extra-glittery, slit-to-the-thigh, and cleavage-exposing wine dress-not her usual style.
Her boss had 'obligatorily' purchased it for her under the auspices of company policy-he couldn't afford her messing up their chance at hooking a big contract because of her signature Holy Mary dressing.

"It's- it's not that bad," she stuttered in her mind. "Honestly God, can't you just take a chill pill for once?"

"Why are you returning to your vomit, beloved? This is not what I have planned for you. Don't head into destruction."

"I have waited long enough for you to come through for me, Lord. I desperately need the raise. My younger brother will be kicked out of school soon because of the fees he owes, my dad has debts to pay and mom's business is crumbling, my rent is long overdue..."

"Do you think they'd be proud with what you're bent on doing?"

"I'm sorry. It's only this once, I promise."

The Spirit went silent. Her heart went numb as she sighed and perfunctorily walked into the lavish hall.

"Ah, Victoria, I'm glad you could make it," her boss, clad in a three-piece Armani suit, said with a roguish smile. "Come, let me introduce you to some of our prospective clients."

Lakunle Adele was Victoria's secret achilles heels. A devastatingly handsome playboy, he was the son of the founder of Mega Reels, the international trade company where she worked. Simply put, he was her daily temptation.

He placed his possessive hand on the small of her back and led her forward. "You look stunning, by the way."

She tried to smile, not grimace. This was going to be a long night.

Throughout the event, she was uptight due to the way Lakunle smothered her. She did her best to concentrate on proving her competence as his personal assistant as she interacted with their prospective clients.

The dinner was supposed to end by 10 pm. It was almost 12 am and still her boss showed no sign of leaving soon.

He came to sit opposite her where she was perched on a sofa.
"Nice job so far, Victoria. You look tense. Take this and loosen up a bit," Lakunle said, placing a glass of champagne on the table.

She shook her head. "I don't drink, sir."

"What do you mean? It's just harmless red wine."

"I'm okay, sir." She wouldn't take chances. "When are we leaving?"

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