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Myamur Village,
Region 110, Island of West Africa.

When he first arrived, I was fascinated by his bleached skin, which showed obvious signs of sunburn on some surfaces, his weird eye colour, his way of dressing, and his high-pitched and fast-paced Myamur dialect.

He was unlike any human I had ever known all my life. He was obviously not from this region. But how he was able to speak our language was what I couldn't understand.

There was no way that my father, King Mkelet of the Great Myamur land would allow this strange intruder to just stay in our village.
I had assumed Father would order the guards to behead him within a few minutes of his arrival at the palace.

How wrong I was! Father welcomed him as if he had been awaiting his arrival for a long time.

"And to whom do we owe the pleasure of your visit," my father had asked him cheerfully.

The stranger stood upright from his bowing posture and looked my father in the eye.

"I am the servant of the Most High and he sent me to you. He told me to tell you that he has the answer to your pressing fears." His blue eyes flickered over to where I sat. "He can help you defeat the Liops."

I sat up. All my fascination turned to immense curiosity and interest.
I could hear the rising cacophony of whispers, gasps and exclamations.

How did he know about the Liops? Wasn't he a stranger?

"Silence in the royal courtyard!" the head of the royal guard barked and everyone went dumb.

Father motioned for him to continue.

"The Most High told me to tell you that if we don't act fast, something horrible will happen that will shake the entire land."

I looked sideways at my Father. Mother was seated next to him at his right. She seemed scared though it was obvious she was trying to hide it.

I sat on Father's left-hand side, staring down at the stranger. Was this my chance to rescue my love?

I am Princess Reumah, beloved of the land and heiress to the throne, being the only child and daughter of the royal family.

The one I fell in love with, Sanjios, is currently on a mission of death. I have loved Sanjios from the day my childhood years.

I painfully recollect how during the Myamur Royal Crown Festival concluded a week ago, he proved himself as the best and youngest warrior in the land.

My father had asked him to ask for whatever he wanted. I was happy, thinking he would ask for my hand in marriage.

My heart was shattered when he announced that he wanted only the king's blessing as he went ahead into the Silent Forest to bring out the detached head of a Liop.

Liops are winged creatures of unknown origin who come to roost in the Silent Forest every year. They kill anyone who dares to enter the forest unfortified in the most gruesome of manners.

Sanjios was only a lanky, handsome youth of twenty-five years. He would be easy meat for the hideous Liops to eat.

I had cried so hard, begging my father not to consent, thinking of how horrible my life would be if I lost him. But what could I do? His mind was already made up and Father didn't say no. Father didn't know I loved Sanjios.

Maybe my only hope was in this Most High who has sent this man to us. It wouldn't hurt to try. At least if he could bring back Sanjios, I would serve him forever.


It was already nighttime. There was no time to waste. I had to act now or never.

Hoisting my slender frame up, I clapped my hands three times, a signal that I wanted the assistance of my maid. She came, bowing in reverence.

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