𝒙𝒍𝒊𝒙. A Poetic End

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AENORA AND JAELYX HAD FLOWN into Kings Landing successfully unnoticed

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AENORA AND JAELYX HAD FLOWN into Kings Landing successfully unnoticed. The two landed Vyr and Bluefyre in the hidden hills behind the Red Keep, hoping no one would see them. It was kind of hard to hide a dragons. Vyr was large and very recognizable, Bluefyre was bright and tended to let out loud whimpers.

"Mother, are you sure you want to do this?" Jaelyx asked in Valyrian, as he helped her from her dragon.

"I have to try to talk to Aegon. I'm hoping his mother is the only reason he hasn't come to me," Aenora explained.

Jaelyx gave her a simple nod before he handed her a cloak.

Aenora wrapped herself in the black cloak and did her best to tuck her silver hair away in the hood.

She didn't know how this would end. There was a good chance Alicent succeeded in turning Aegon against her. And if so, she knew what she would be forced to do. She'd have to follow through with her promise.

Aenora and her son found their way into the castle through one of the many hidden entrances.

The fear she felt as she walked through the dark halls was not for herself but for her son. If they were to be caught she knew Jaelyx would rather fight than be captured, and although Jaelyx was a skilled fighter there were more guards than he could take.

When Jaelyx heard footsteps he came to an abrupt stop and pushed Aenora behind him. The two hid in the shadows and watched Ser Criston Cole and Ser Erryk walk by.

Jaelyx made sure the two were out of sight before they continued down the hall.

A part of Aenora wanted to turn back, but she came too far to do so. Her son would do whatever she wished, whether that meant turning back or continuing on.

It wasn't long before Aenora and Jaelyx heard Helaena and Aegons voices coming from one of the chambers around the corner.

"There are two guards," Jaelyx informed.

Aenora looked at the guards before giving her son a nod to kill them.

Jaelyx said nothing as he walked into the torch lit hall and towards the guards.

The guards heads turned to him and immediately their hands reached for their swords.

"Who are you?"

"Take off your hood."

Jaelyx did as he was told and removed his hood, revealing his silver hair. Both guards looked at one another unsure of what to do, but the prince gave them no time to react. Jaelyx drew his sword and in a single swing their heads went flying.

𝐀𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐀|𝖣𝖺𝖾𝗆𝗈𝗇 𝖳𝖺𝗋𝗀𝖺𝗋𝗒𝖾𝗇  Where stories live. Discover now