Chapter 11

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Aria P.o.v

I wake up in my parents bed confuse why I'm here. 'They must've put me here when I fell alseep' I thought.

As I sit up I realized I felt wet between my area. "No no no I peed in my I didn't wake up" I said almost crying.

I heard shuffling and I look to my side to see mama waking up. "Hey what's wrong hunny" she said while sitting up fully awake.

I see her look towards the clock and sighed.  "Come here darling" while picking me up sitting me on her lap.

I think she realizes why I was crying. She smiles at me and picks me up as she gets out the bed.

She carried me towards the changing table inside the room and laid me down. 'This is so humiliating' I though while she takes off my pants and diaper.

I cover my eyes with my hands to minimized the embarrassment of her changing my diaper.

She took my hands off my eyes and I see I was in a new fresh diaper, finally the worse part is over.

She picked me up off the changing table and went into the bed. She put me into a cradle position trying to put me to sleep but I wasn't having it.

"No Im not sleepy, I want to play" I said trying to sit up.

She sighed and looked at the clock "darling it's only 2:30 in the morning, you could play in the daytime". She said while laying me back down but I wasn't giving in.

45 minutes later

"Darling please go to sleep, mommy needs to sleep too" mommy said while rocking me.

I think she realizes I'm not going to sleep because she leaned over and was waking up daddy.

"Hunny....hunny wake up" she said while shaking him awake.

"Hmm.. yes what is it" daddy said turning over. I see him look confused seeing me awake.

He turns to look at the clock and see it's 3:15 in the morning. "What's she doing up at 3 in the morning" he said sitting up on the bed.

"She won't go to sleep and I've been trying to make her fall asleep all this time" mommy said while yawning.

I see daddy comes to me and pick me up setting me on his lap straddle facing him. He pushes my body into his chest and pats my back gently.

I know what's he's trying to do but I won't fall for it.

Few minutes later

"Baby girl why are you not going to sleep" he says tiredly.

"Play" that's all I said and I heard them both sighed and he just kept patty my back.

I know that both of them were exhausted but I wasn't.

Until we heard a knock on the door and.... Xenia came in?

"Hey Xenia what your doing awake in this hour" mommy says surprised.

"I like to stay up in middle night, its more quiet. But I heard you talking so I was curious. And so I came here, it looks like y'all is struggling" she says while chuckling.

"Yea this night monster woke out of her sleep, keeping us both awake" daddy says.

"I can take her if you want" Xenia says. As soon she said that I got of his hold and crawled towards her with my hands up.

She laughed and picked me up placing me on her hip.

We walked out and we went down in the kitchen. She placed me on the counter which was VERY cold.

I see her move around the kitchen making a bottle, after she was done she picked me up and the bottle and made her way into her room.

I look around in awe in her room. She turned on the t.v and put on Doc McStuffins. I quickly became memorized, I loved this show as a kid.

She got into bed and put me into her lap. She put me into her lap in a cradle position and grabbed the bottle.

"Ready for your baba" she said. I moved my head into her chest and mumbled "noooo". 

I heard her sighed and moved my head from her chest. "You can watch t.v while drinking your baba, or no tv but still drink your baba, choice is yours" she said.

I hated this but I took up the courage and open my mouth so she can put in the bottle.

She smiled and put the bottle into my mouth. As the warm milk began to fill my mouth, I hum at the warm sweet taste and began to close my eyes.

She began to rub and scratch my head gently, making me fall deeper into sleep.

I know what she was trying to do and I wanted to resist it but my body didn't. And at that i fell asleep in her warm arms.

Xenia Black p.o.v

I like to stay up longer than my family because of the peace and quiet.

It's much better at night than mornings, as I walked around the house I heard noises from my parents room.

I was curious so I knock on the door then let myself in. I saw mom and dad awake but also Aria. 

"Hey Xenia what your doing awake in this hour" mom said looking tiredly.

"I like to stay up in middle night, its more quiet. But I heard you talking so I was curious. And so I came here, it looks like y'all is struggling" I said while chuckling at their situation.

"Yea this night monster woke out of her sleep, keeping us both awake" dad says while keep trying to make her go to sleep.

"I can take her if you want" I said trying to help them out here. They really look like they need to sleep.

I saw her get out of dad's grip and crawled towards me with her hands up. I laugh a bit and reach down to pick her up.

I placed her on my hip and walked out the room closing the door and turning off the lights.

I went down in the kitchen and placed her on the counter while I fixed her baba for her. After I was done warming up the bottle, I pick her up and walked up towards my room.

As I walked in, I see her eyes in wow. 'So adorable' I thought. I placed her on my bed and turned on tv to Doc McStuffins, I see she forgot about everything else and payed her attention to the t.v.

I got into bed and placed her on my lap into cradle position so I could feed her the bottle. "Ready for your baba". I said but she quickly moved her head and mumbled.

I sighed at her action and said "You can watch t.v while drinking your baba, or no tv but still drink your baba, choice is yours" I said in a stern voice.

I see her hesitate but then open her mouth slightly open but where I can still put it in her mouth.

I put the bottle in her mouth and watch her suck it. I can tell she really liked it, she closed her eyes and I began to rub and pat her back to make it easier for her to fall asleep.

A few seconds later, she fell into la la land. I carefully replace the bottle with a pacifier and watch her sucked it.

I turn off the t.v and laid her down next to me. I pulled the covers over us and pulled her close to me. I watched as the pacifier bop in her mouth while she slept calmly.

"Goodnight bunny"

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