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The silence of detention was only broken by the incessant ticking of the clock on the wall, a constant reminder of my nightmarish predicament

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The silence of detention was only broken by the incessant ticking of the clock on the wall, a constant reminder of my nightmarish predicament. But as I sat there, my mind couldn't stop replaying yesterday's events with my unhinged father.

"As much as seeing you look so tense entertains me, you should really relax now." Nikolai spoke out with nonchalant confidence per usual. "It's just detention you know?"

"Are you in here a lot?" I couldn't help but notice how unfazed he seemed by current situation.

"Just enough to keep me well-rounded." He crossed his arms and comfortably leaned back against his chair. "I'm assuming the same can't be said about you since you seem like such a good boy." He dryly humored with a bright charming glint coming across the varying hues of his alluring eyes.

I slightly winced at what he called me. "I've never been in detention before." I sniffed and tiredly rested my head right on the desk. "It should be those boys in here, not us."

Nikolai shrugged with a sigh. "But isn't that the privilege of having the power that they have? They get to find loopholes in the system, have the choice of whatever role they want in life, and leave people like us without even half their power to scramble for scraps."

Exhaustion wracked all over me. It was all too much. I had barely gotten any sleep last night as the fear and unstable turbulence that came with my father's ballistic actions, and the unrelenting power that only further fueled the hate instilled in those three boys was taking its toll on me. The weight of it all was suffocating, pressing on me like a heavy boulder. I struggled to find some semblance of peace, blurred off into obscurity by the endless cycle of pain and fear.

"It's not right." I whispered out with my posture dropping further down on my seat. "I-I don't know why it's so hard for people to just be kind to one another."

"Stop that." Nikolai let out in an incredibly harsh snarl, rough and aggressive in delivery as if my defeated demeanor was pissing him off. "You're making my skin crawl."

"What?" I let out a series of shocked blinks. "Stop what?"

"Stop being the victim and grow a goddamn backbone." He let out gruffly, leaning in closer towards me just enough to shift a single strand of his dirty blonde hair, causing it cut right though his fearsome gaze. "Every single time I've seen you get picked on, you just cry and complain about it like a pathetic cry baby."

"It's because-" My lips began to uncontrollably wobble along with my teary eyes as it felt like words were ripping me apart. "It's because I-I can't-"

"Can't what!? Defend yourself?" Nikolai's raised volume made me feel ashamed, causing him to have to close his eyes and deeply breathe to contain his unbridled anger that was undoubtedly surging through him. "You can't always depend on others to help you. There will be times when no one is going to help you."

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