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As I woke up on the morning of Mother's Day, my heart felt heavy with both sorrow and hope

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As I woke up on the morning of Mother's Day, my heart felt heavy with both sorrow and hope. It had been years since I lost my dear mother, and the pain of her absence was always more pronounced on this special day.

Despite the hardships I faced, all I wished for was to visit her grave, pay my respects, and honor her memory. But, as usual, life had a cruel way of treating me. The entire day had been a relentless barrage of mistreatment, as though fate itself conspired against me. My father beat me and worked me to the bone, not caring for my well-being or my desires. I was directed to clean the house from top to bottom, as well as the dusty decrepit garage out in the backyard.

As the day wore on, exhaustion weighed me down, but my determination to visit my mother's resting place never wavered.

Finally, I gathered up the courage to remind my father of my little wish. "Father? I-I finished all my chores. Do you think I can visit mother now?" I coughed due to the dirt and dust that surely filled my lungs, turning my voice hoarse and audibly filled with neglect.

His reaction was nothing short of cruel mockery. "You really think I'd let you go and see her like that? You look so goddamn hideous she might rise up out of the grave just to tell you to wash up." He laughed disdainfully, pointing at the dirt and soot that had unknowingly gotten on some parts of my face and hair.

I shamefully dropped my head down as his words undoubtedly stung. "If I go and wash up, then can I see mother?" I squeaked out.

"God, you're truly not planning to back down aren't you?" He scoffed at my persistence. "I'm gonna go speak to the neighbors. If you're not ready once I return, then we're not going." And with that I immediately scampered off into the bathroom.

After several moments of hurriedly getting ready, I ended up quietly sitting at the highest step of the staircase, with my head shyly peeking in between the railing. I nervously watched the front door, waiting for my father to return from having to go to the Demecrio household. He had gone over there to discuss matters about the broken fence, hoping to let them know that not only was it not us, but also how to keep it from ever happening again.

Since Dydan was the one who caused such damage in ways I could never understand, there was a chance that no one would ever really know the truth except for me.

The only thing is I had no plans on ever telling on him because knowing my father, it would mean nothing but absolute trouble.

"No use." He cursed to himself while bolting through the front door, grabbing his thick coat from the couch before glaring up at me. "The father insisted that the fence was destroyed by a bear even though I told him I went out there as soon as I heard the noise and saw no such thing! I bet that family did it themselves and they're just trying to cover it up-those goddamn idiots! At least I finished the fence. if that shit ever happens again they can fix it themselves!"

I blinked, not knowing how to respond to his aggression as I just settled for an apology. "I'm sorry for what happened father." I squeaked.

He quickly clicked his mouth out of annoyance. "Well what else are you looking at me for? Hurry up and come down here, you idiot." I quickly obliged, zipping up my coat and heading down the stairs with the bouquet I was planning to give to my mother.

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