A Vist to Error -Chapter 37-

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Ink's POV
It's been a couple of months since I've been wheeled home. Today however, I walked home for the first time in that time period. My left leg is fucked up though, and I need a cane to help walk long distances or for long periods of time. I was told that I would need it for the rest of my life, but that doesn't bother me. I think I'm done with all the crazy fights and what-not. It's time to retire for me anyways.
It's been an hour from that appointment with Sci today, and I was helping Nightmare make supper for tonight. He had set me up with a cutting board and a knife at the table so I wouldn't have to stand. As I was chopping away are some carrots, the last thing I had to do, Nightmare popped a question, "Hey Ink, don't you think you have to see Error? I mean, you both had competing roles, wouldn't be best if you spoke to him?". Honestly I thought about it.
"I think I will go and do that after I am finished here", I answered after thinking about for a minute. He just nodded.

I took my cane and slowly stood up, groaning in some pain. Nightmare quickly came to my aid. "I'm fine Nightmare. The pain will go away someday soon", I reassured him. He slowly backed off and I opened a portal to the Anti-Void. I entered and saw Error there on his bean bag. I took a deep breath as I closed the portal and slowly made my way to him. I wasn't quite, it was hard to be quite with a cane and being in pain here and there. Error whipped his head back and looked at me.
"Heya Ink", he greeted. He didn't even bother to move or get up.
"Hi Error", I greeted him back once I finally reached him.
"So, what are you doing here?", he asked, eating away at his chocolate bar.
"I came here to talk", he gave me a confused look, "I don't think I can fight with you no more. I don't have the strength to do so", I was looking at me feet.
"I don't plan on doing so. I no longer see a point with it", I looked up at him confused, "I found love with Reaper, and you've gone through enough already. Besides, Dream isn't around anymore, because I went through months on trying to get the guards to believe me. It took them long enough to arrest him".
I couldn't believe it. Error helped me against Dream and got him arrested. "How long have you tried for?" I wondered out loud.
"I've lost count, but I saw you through the window of your room as he chained you up. I just didn't have proof against him and I wasn't able to gain any until Nightmare and his crew fought with him. Only then did they believe in me", Error spoke, not glancing at me once. He opened a portal, "Go back Ink. Get some rest. You'll heal faster. Don't use your magic as often".
"What if I get bored? What will I do?", through the time Dream has been kidnapping me, I never really grew any hobbies or had any creative flow as much.
"I don't know, but you had one last adventure Ink. And the looks of it, your stuck that cane forever. Why don't you paint your journey on it? That way, you'll never forget it". I was delighted with the idea. So I quickly said goodbye and quickly, or at least try to, walk away.

I gathered my paint and paintbrushes. I started off with painting fights between Error and myself in my old clothes. Moving on to finding Dream and befriending him, to Nightmare and falling for him, and to Dreams seemingly forever lasting jealousy. My small tipped paint brush painted the details of victory and Nightmare returning to his passive self. I painted lavender and buttercup flowers as a fun detail. I had so much empty space left afterwards. I decided that the empty space will be for future tales. I skip to the bottom of the cane. I painted myself holding Nightmare's hand, then flipped it to the opposite side. There I painted Error holding Reaper's hand.

"I've never felt so accomplished then", I said softly as it was late.

(A/N: when I typed the line "...the empty space will be for future tales", my phone wanted to spell check tales to taxes. Beautiful.)

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