Just Wait...-Chapter 26-

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Ink's POV

I woke up before Nightmare and typically he wakes up before me. I didn't bother sitting up, not with Nightmare spooning close with a firm grip. I slowly shuffle a turn to face him, my face right in his chest.
I stayed like that until Nightmare loosen his grip around me. I went to sit up, but I was brought back down into Nightmare's arms. I thought he was still asleep, but I was incorrect. He gently kissed my cheek and spoke.

"Where are you going dear?", His voice sounded croaky and his words came out slow. I wasn't really going anywhere other than out of bed to get on with my day.

"Getting up to deal with my day", I replied, my voice not as croaky and without speaking slowly. He just looked at me and kissed my face all over.
"Nightmare, please stop. I would like to get up", I pleaded, hoping he would leave me be.

"Mmmm, nah", he said and pulled me closer. We stayed like this till noon.

Nightmare's POV

I slowly let Ink after smothering him with kiss and cuddles, even though he protested against it in the beginning. He gotten up right away after I let him go from my firm grip. He grabbed fresh clothes and got changed in the bathroom. I did the same but changed in the bedroom.

I walked downstairs to Cross and Ink playing games. Horror, Dust, and Killer were gone somewhere. Most likely to the clinic to have Killer have a check up. I looked at Cross and Ink before sitting down. The two of them were playing a game of War. I picked up a book and started reading. I was almost finished the book.

Couple of hours passed and I have finished the book. I got up to put the book away and saw Cross playing games or doing whatever on his phone while Ink was sitting on the sofa, drawing away in his sketchbook. I left the room and came back with another book, then proceeded to sit back down in the same spot.

I opened the book and stared at the page blankly, I had something on my mind. I found that ring last night so I could propose to Ink. I didn't plan this through at all. When was I going to propose? Where would I take him to do so? Dream is on the lose and no one except for the gang, Error, and Blue knew how he really was. That would be a great risk not to wait a good couple of months and see about the next couple moves Dream makes. I wouldn't want Ink to get hurt.

Nor do I want him taken away from my reach...

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