Enemy Of My Enemy

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I am at work Saturday and Sunday, so the next chapter will be early Monday morning or Monday afternoon.

Thanks for the support!


Word had spread quickly among the Reunion forces in Chernobog about the failed attempt to reinforce the brothers and sisters in Lungmen. As a result, their forces were destroyed, and Talulah and the others kept the details a secret. They did not want to start a panic. But thanks to the destruction of their force, many had lost friends and companions and were itching to get revenge on the approaching forces.

Reunion knew something was wrong when they were ordered to fortify the city, Buildings had been gutted, and everything from inside was pulled out to make city-wide barricades. The unused buildings were booby-trapped, and trenches and fortified shelters were created in critical locations.

They may take the city, but they would pay for every step. Reunion was geared up and prepared for a siege. They may have lost two thousand, but they had at least 16 thousand in the city. Luck was also on their side as they had found a stash of Laterano firearms: smugglers, perhaps or paranoid government officials.

"Lady Talulah, Forces spotted to the North! They're here," One of her communication soldiers shouted.

"North?" Talulah snaps out as she turns around to her soldier.

"Um? Yes, my lady."

"Our enemy is coming from the southeast! Not North!, Who is coming from North!" Talulah shouts.

"I-I don't know, my lady. I will try and find out" He backs off to continue listening.

Who is coming from the North? Had they been encircled already? No, they couldn't have been. Talulah was pacing around, trying to think. Ursus maybe? No, it couldn't be.

"My lady!" The same soldier calls out. "Ursus! Ursus soldiers are coming."

"What?! How many?" Talulah barks to the cowering soldier.

"One of lady Frostnova's Yeti squadron on patrol outside the city reports about seven thousand." The soldier's face was hidden, but everyone could feel the surprise.

"Nine thousand difference, then... We can win this easily," Talulah tried to formulate a plan.


A few miles outside Chernobog to its North, thousands of soldiers in winter clothes could be seen marching at pace. They have been recruiting for weeks since the fall of Chernobog was made public. Ursus had deployed many soldiers, but most were still recruits. They hoped seeing so many soldiers would demoralize Reunion, who was watching them from the city.

"Forward!" A large Ursus man with a brown beard, bear ears and an ornate uniform shouted among the ranks of Ursus soldiers, their mass of heavy footfalls echoing in the distance. It would indeed cause fear to their enemies.

It was not long before thousands of Ursus soldiers were within a few dozen meters of the city. Reunion could be seen standing over barricades and peeking out windows at them from across the city skyline. Likewise, the Reunion soldiers could see thousands of Ursus soldiers standing there waiting for an order to attack.

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